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Germany took a picture of the letter and sent it to Japan.
Attachment sent!

J-OMG! ur gonna confess to him?! It's like August 28 or somethin!!

G-well, If I confess to him then we could be boyfriends throughout the school year.

J-good point lol

J-so, ur gonna confess to him on a Monday after school?!


J-Omg yes!!! Ame u there?

A-hi srry i had to eat dinner

A-woh Germany's gonna confess to Pol?


A-good luck bro

J-Germany's gonna confess to Poland on a Monday after school on the rooftop.

A-should we like, go on the rooftop and record?

G-you know that I'm here

A-oh lol

J-well we can hide somewhere on the rooftop. We need to be there for Ger just in case somethin happens!

G-I'm sure nothing will happen, so u don't need to be there

A-dude no were comin

J-ya! That's what friends r for! :3

A-that's cheesy


G-okay, fine you guys can come

J-what if we can tell the school that u guys are bfs when u become bfs?

G-I'm okay with that.

J-yey! Oki

J-gtg guys! I need to eat dinner.

A-bye and I need to shower

Germany turned off his phone and looked at the time.

7:58 pm..

Germany went downstairs to eat dinner.

Time skip!

Germany was in his bed, reading a book. It was currently 9 pm and Germany had already brushed his teeth and showered and all of that stuff.

Then a bing came from Germany's phone, meaning he got a text from someone.

He looked at his phone and saw a notification.

Unknown: Are you Germany?

Germany got freaked out and accidentally pressed the notification which sent him to the app.

Now he had to answer it. (;-;)
G-yes.. who are you and how did you get my number?

?-I got it from Russia dipshit

?-also, back off from Poland because he's mine


G-Can u tell me who you are?


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