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Third Person's POV
Germany was on his phone like usual. He had already done his homework and it was currently 4 pm.
A- so who is driving

R-me I guess

R-we're using Japan's car because my siblings hijacked my car


J-fine ;-; anyways Ger, Ame, and I should be going somewhereee


J-oh it's nothing


A-Okay bye Ruski~

Germany heard a knock on his door.

Germany's POV
Oh shit- they're already here?!

I quickly turned off my phone and put it in my pocket. I grabbed money and left.

(Germany was already dressed)

"Deutschland! You're stupid friends are here!" I heard my dad call.

"Okay!" I shouted, running down the stairs.

I was now downstairs, and I looked at the door, seeing Japan and America talking to each other.

Looks like my dad left already.

"Konnichiwa Ger!" Japan said.

"Yo!" America exclaimed.

"Guten Tag." I replied.

We were already dressed in our outfits for the date.

Japan wore a red shoulder-less (idk) short sleeve shirt with a black skirt and black shoes. She had a red bow.

America wore a whole rainbow outfit. Oh geez.

(I dunno what Germany is wearing. Imagine him wearing whatever u want)

"Do you like my outfit?" America said, taking out a mini gay pride flag.

I facepalmed. Japan giggled.

"Come on guys! Let's go to my house." Japan said.

"Wait weren't we going to the mall or something?" America asked.

"Oh right. But we can't just go there when you're wearing-" Japan was about to finish her sentence, but stopped.

America frowned as I closed the door behind me.

"It doesn't matter, let's go before it's 5:20 pm." I said.

"Fine." Japan said as she walked to her car which was in front of my house.

Time skip

We were at the flower shop, I don't know why we're here though.

"Ger! Look, this flower looks cool! You should give it Poland!" Japan exclaimed.

"Yeah, it looks cool!" America said.

"Alles klar." I said walking towards them.

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