The Mist, Or Not?

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Barry's POV

I am alone at STAR LABS working on finding all the new metas made by Alchemy.

The alarm goes off and I look at the computer.

"Bank robbery." I whisper to myself.

I ran my suit on and went to Central City bank.

I couldn't see anyone except for lifeless bodies around the building.

Out of the corner of my eye I see some green gas floating around.

I run up to the room I see it enter to find a person. He is bald.

He turns around.

The Mist?

"Kyle?" I ask.

"Ah, you know me. Looks like I will have to kill you too." He says and transforms into poisonous gas.

He charges towards me as I run away.

Start Of Flashback

"Barry, you can't fight him." Caitlin tells me. "Just keep him coming at you that should zap his strength."

"This meta-human will not be able to stay in his gas form for long, his particles will have to reform." Harrison Wells tells me.

End Of Flashback

I stop running and turn around to see him go back into human form.

I ran into him but he turns back to gas causing me to go through him. I carry on running then stop in the middle of nowhere.

He comes at me in gas form but I cover my face and run behind him.

Kyle becomes human again, out of breath so I run into him knocking him over.

He steps up in pain but I see a blur in the corner of my eye. It runs to Kyle and takes him.

"Damn it!" I yell in frustration.

"Barry?" I hear Caitlin's voice through the comms.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What are you doing?" She questions me.

"Chasing down The Mist's dopplegänger." I tell her.

"What?! Get back here, right now!" She orders.

"Ok." I say and run back to STAR LABS.

I enter the building to be greeted by an angry Caitlin.

"What do you think you were doing?" She asks me furiously.

"Just, saving the day." I simply say to her.

"Barry, you could have died! No one else was here, luckily I came. Give us a warning next time!" She yells at me.

"I will, it's just that everyone is always occupied leaving me here alone." I reply to her.

"I know but at least use your panic alarm. If you died and I wasn't here, I couldn't live with myself." She tells me and I look down.

"It's ok. I'm not going anywhere." I assure her.

She nods and I pull her into a hug. After a few moments, I pull away and smile at her.

Iris's POV

I am at the loft writing my article on the increase of meta attacks in Central City when I get a text from Eddie.

Hey babe, wanna come over?

Sure, let me finish this article and I will come over for round two. ;)

Counting on it. Bye.

Bye babe.

Once I finish up, I grab my cardigan and head for Eddie's place.

I knock on the door and it opens revealing a hot looking Eddie on the other side.

"Hey babe. Ready for round two?" He asks me seductively.

"Always, for you." I tell him and I head inside.

I close the door, immediately turn around and smash my lips onto his.

I take off his shirt and jeans while kissing him hungrily.

I take off my cardigan and pause.

"What's wrong?" He asks me.

"Nothing, I just want you all the time." I tell him before smashing my lips on his again.

That night was one of the best I have had.

Barry's POV

I head into the loft when I see the door slightly open.

I run inside with normal speed and see nothing.

I get my phone out and text Iris.

Hey, are you ok? The door was open.

I waited several minutes until my phone vibrates.

Yeah babe. Sorry, went to STAR LABS to asks Caitlin for something. Be back soon.

I read it and get confused. I was just at STAR LABS.

How long have you been there?

About half an hour.

Funny, I didn't see you there. Where are you, honestly.

Fine, I went to Joe's because I wanted some company.

Oh, ok. See ya. Love you.


Weird, no, "Love you too." from her.

I quickly find Joe on my contacts and text him.

Joe, is Iris with you?

I wait another minute before getting a reply.

No she isn't. Why, isn't she at the loft?

No, she said she went to STAR LABS but I was just there and she wasn't. Then, she said that she was with you because she wanted company.

What? She isn't here, STAR LABS or your loft? Weird. I'll ask her.

Ok, see ya.


Weird, she lied to me. But why?

I guess I will find out soon.

Joe's POV

I find Iris on my contacts and call her.

"Hey baby girl. I was wondering, where are you?" I ask her through the phone.

"Oh, I am at Jitters. Don't worry dad, I am fine." She replied.

"Are you sure? Because you lied about your location to Barry twice." I remind her. She is silent for a few moments.

"I just wanted to surprise him with The Flash coffee. I was thinking that he might have had a rough day." She replied to me.

"Ok. See ya baby girl." I say.

"Bye dad." She says.

But before she hung up I hear a voice from her side.

"Baby, are you alright?" I hear, then, she hangs up.

Who was that? It certainly wasn't Barry.

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