Thank You ( AU )

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Attention all speedsters!

I wanted to thank you all for 4000 views on this story. In the beginning I was thinking I would get 10 views per story but my mind is blown!

I want to individually thank three people.


You have been reading both Flash stories, given me feedback and your thoughts on what happens next.


You have been commenting on my Flash stories and you have laughed at other comments. You are a lot of fun to talk to when I am bored.


You have been commenting funny thoughts in my stories and they make me laugh. You make my day with GIFs of sorts and I am grateful.

That's it! If you have enjoyed my Flash stories, please let me know.

When I am done with these stories, I have a few ideas. I want you guys to choose for me.

1. My own original story with inspiration.

2. Legacies fanfiction.

3. More of The Flash fanfiction.

4. My own diary, on Wattpad, obviously.

Choose wisely.

Thanks for reading!

See you in the next chapter!

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