shawn mendes: studio

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y/n pov
Shawn is so lucky. He gets to write music at these incredible studios with stunning views. We were at a studio that overlooked this amazing beach. We had it all to ourselves since there was no other houses around us for miles. The closest place was a nice restaurant and a park which was a 15 minute walk.

Shawn's pov
It is time for me to write some new music. This time is special because I have y/n here with me. My crew knew I was dying to put my thoughts into complete songs. I was glad to have other artists there with me like Charlie Puth and Andy Grammer because they are so talented and kind. They also were really nice to y/n. They kept her company when I was busy with music. After several days of being cooped up in the house, it was time for us to spend a day outside. y/n was really liking forward to it until the night before. We were all sitting on the floor playing 500 rummy, a card game y/n liked, until she got up and went to the bathroom. We thought she was fine but after a while I wondered what was taking her so long. I go and knock on the door and ask if I can come in. She said "yes." I could tell by her voice that something was wrong. I sat down on the floor next to her. After about 5 minutes I asked her "what's going on? Why are you crying?" She said that she got her period again. I quickly texted the guys to search the studio for tampons while I held her close to me. Someone happened to find a box and tossed one into the bathroom. I handed it to y/n and let her take care of it. When she came out I could tell she was a bit better. She was somewhat emotional and a bit sad because of it. We ended up going to bed since it was now 11pm. At about 2:30am I heard y/n whimpering next to me. I got out of the bed and I whispered to her so that I wouldn't wake anyone else because we were all in one big room. I said "y/n here. Put this on." I gave her a sweatshirt of mine and put one on myself. We were already wearing our sweatpants because it was chilly out. I grabbed her hand and we walked outside. I took her to the beach. The feeling of sand between our feet was nice. We walked all the way down the beach. We didn't talk I just held her hand. Once we got to where the shore curves we found a giant log. We both sat down on it. Then I was like "talk to me. What's going on?" She told me all the things on her mind which I could tell that talking about helped her. As we walked back to the studio after our long conversation she blurted out "I need to change my tampon. I can feel it leaking." At this point we still had like 45 minuets back. She was really worried so I decided to give her a piggy back ride. It took a while and a few breaks but we made it. By now it was like 4:30am and as soon as we got back y/n felt relieved to be able to take care of her period. Over the next few weeks we were able to get a lot accomplished and had many new songs that could be released in the next couple of years.

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