shawn mendes: ice bath

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y/n pov
It was the morning of Shawn's show at the Rodgers Centre. He was so looking forward to performing there and I was happy to get to see him from the front side stage. I wanted this day to make Shawn feel the best and that he is so lucky to have the #mendesarmy supporting him with everything.
The day started at around 5:21am. I woke up to a weird feeling in my stomach. My first thought was please don't be my period. No not today. It was pitch black out and I think it was supposed to be a rainy day. I rolled over while contemplating if I should get up or wait it out. I tried to fall back asleep because we were going to get up at about 7:00am, but I couldn't. I was about to get out of bed and assess the situation, but Shawn wrapped his arms around me. He could tell that something wasn't right. "baby, talk to me." he whispered in my ear. At the moment I started to cry. "aww. what's wrong?" Shawn said. I slowly lifted up the sheets so Shawn can see the huge, bright red blood stain of mine on the white sheets. "babygirl, it's alright. so you got your period. no big deal. there's nothing to worry about." I became extremely embarrassed and shy. All curled up into Shawn's chest I was scared and felt bad to start the day off like this. Shawn wrapped his arms around me tightly to show that he would be here to comfort me. We just layed there in the bed for 20 minutes. By the time we got up it was only 6:10am. Shawn asked what he could do for me. I replied by saying "there's nothing that i need specifically from you. i just have to take care of this." "let me help you babygirl." Shawn said. "no it's alright i got it. look Shawn i'm so sorry that this happened. i feel horrible for this mess. you have your big concert tonight and i didn't want to ruin the day for you." Shawn came over to me and hugged me tightly. while saying "baby, don't think you ruined my day. this isn't that bad. my day is still going to be amazing. i'm actually kind of glad this happed to us. i will look past this morning and be able to have a great day. at least you got it now and not at the venue. that would have been a nightmare. now i know that i'm able to help you get through the night without worrying about what's going on. i will be able to take care of you without having to ask you about it tonight." "thank you Shawn" "of course. that's what i'm here for" with that Shawn walked me over to the bathroom. I had to take care of the blood that I was soaked with. Shawn was so sweet and snuck some clean clothes into the bathroom for me and put a tampon on top of them. I'm glad Shawn understood what I was going through. When I was done and feeling a bit better I noticed that Shawn had taken care of the sheets. I was so thankful. He didn't have to do that for me. I headed out to the kitchen in a pair of his black sweatpants and his in my blood hoodie. I also borrowed a pair of his socks to keep my feet warm and to help with my uterus pain. Shawn came over to me all happy. We hugged and he asked "how about we go get some breakfast? does waffles sound good today?" "yes I would love that Shawn!" We slid on crocs and headed downstairs. The great thing about his condo building is that there was a little cozy restaurant there. They are open from 6:00am to 10:00pm and serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Shawn thought it would be a nice day to go down there to have breakfast because not many people are there and we could use something different today. We sat at a cozy booth and Shawn ordered us waffles. I love butter and powered sugar on mine. He also got chocolate chips on top of mine. Shawn got strawberries and fresh whipped cream on his. Mine were delicious and Shawn made the right decision adding chocolate chips. He knows me so well. I tasted his as well and they were really good as well. I felt so comfortable around him and fell better about the situation from earlier. At about 10:00am we headed over to the Rodgers Centre so everything could be set up and do Shawn could do his soundcheck. During the m&g I stayed in Shawn's dressing room and rested on the couch because I wasn't feeling well. After the m&g was over, Shawn came to get me for the q&a. I was going to this one because he really wanted me there. As we walked down to the room, I was getting more anxious. Shawn held my hand and calmed me down. I didn't expect to sit next to Shawn. It was a different feeling and I kinda enjoyed it. Fans did hint questions about me to Shawn and he handled it very well and I was impressed. After the q&a we went backstage to grab a bite to eat. Waiting for us was catered pasta and my favorite vegetables. About 5 minutes before Shawn was headed to go onstage I ran to the bathroom. Shawn followed me and got in before I closed the door. I had realized my tampon was leaking. I panicked and Shawn said "wait here, i'll be back." About 10 minuets later Shawn came back with a tampon. He handed it to me and leaned against the wall. With his arms crossed and his head looking down at the floor I went to the toilet in the corner of the bathroom. I went to pull out the used tampon but it wouldn't budge. After several minutes I started to cry. Shawn came over to me and talked me through it crouching next to me. When I was done Shawn led me out of the bathroom. We hurried to the backstage area and Shawn took off to go on stage. Brian came over to me so we could go out and watch Shawn's concert. He told me that Shawn went onstage and asked if anyone had a tampon. One of his crew members backstage need one and we can't find any in the back. Many girls started tossing them to the stage and Shawn grabbed some before running back to see you. I thought this was very sweet of him, especially to not say it was for me because that would be embarrassing. We made our way to the crowd to watch Shawn sing. He looked so happy on stage and I could tell how much he loved doing this for a living. After Shawn was done performing his medley on the piano just to me, his parents and sister came over to me and hugged me as we walked backstage. A few minutes later Charlie Puth was there and came up to me. He grabbed my hand and led me on stage to see Shawn. As I went around the curve of the stage I saw Shawn standing there. He had a huge smile on his face and in the front of the crowd was signs being held up saying:
𝙼 𝙰 𝚁 𝚁 𝚈 𝙼 𝙴 ?
I was so surprised by this. I put my hands over my face in awe. Shawn came over to me and wrapped his arms around me saying "i love you." He then pulled away and held my hands while standing in front of me. "y/n, i love you with all my heart. i want to wake up with you by my side everyday. will you marry me?" "yes!" Shawn then leaned in and we kissed before he said "i love you guys. thank you!" As he quickly waved at the crowd we walked across the stage to go backstage. We talked to his family for about 10 minutes which went well. They love our relationship so much and I'm so glad that we have this love and support. When everything was taken care of behind the scenes everyone headed out. The crew went home and it was just me left with Shawn. It was 1:00am and we were on the couch. I was leaning on him and he could tell I was tired. "thank you shawn. thank you for everything. you have been here for me when i needed someone to talk to. someone to comfort me. someone to tell me everything will be alright. someone to help me. i love you so much and i can't wait for our future together." "aww... you're welcome princess. i will always be here for you. whenever and whatever you need, baby."

*a few days later*
shawn pov
I had a surprise for y/n. We had a bunch of suitcases packed with everything we will need for the next several weeks. What she didn't know is that instead of us having to go to rehearsals and the studios I had something better set up. "You know how these past months have been crazy with tour, right?" "yeah, so?" "So i planned some time for just the two of us to be together. i worked it out that we have two weeks away from everything and everyone. i mean we can still reach out to them if we want to." "shawn that's so sweet of you to do this for us." so how does London sound?" "amazing baby" During the flight i noticed that y/n was anxious. I had me arms around her the entire time. We listened to music and she fell asleep leaning on me.

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