shawn mendes: "don't leave me"

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y/n pov
it was about 4am when i rolled over to get comfortable again and that's when i felt it. shawn has noticed a few seconds before me and said "baby you're gonna need to clean yourself up at some point. fo you wanna go now?" "i know but i physically cannot get up right now" was my response. shawn fully understood and gave me a few minutes. when i was ready shawn sat on the edge of the bed on the side i was on and held my hand while i slowly sat up. when i finally stood up shawn held my hand and put his arm around my back to help support me. at this point i was a mess. tears streaming down my face and the embarrassment and guilt set in. shawn led me over to the bathroom and turned on the dimmer light seeing it was pitch black out and we were still tired.

shawn pov
as soon as i walked out of the bathroom so y/n could clean herself up, i heard sobs and my name being said. i go back in there and see her breaking down and ask her what's wrong. "don't leave me shawn. i need you" she says. i pull her into a long deep comforting hug and she slowly slides to sit down. i immediately follow her and pull her into my lap allowing her to cry into my chest while comforting her with soft back rubs. after a while i start the shower and help y/n clean up from the blood leakage and she puts on new comfy clothes. i lead her back to bed which still has the stain on the sheets since i was comforting her the entire time. i let her lay on my side of the bed and i cuddle with her where i am nearer to the stain and we both fall back asleep around 6am. i got up at about 9:40am since we had to be at the studio around 10am. i let y/n sleep a bit longer and woke her around 9:55 just before we had to head out. i help her to the car and on the way i stopped at tim's for some baked goods and coffee for the guys. when we arrive i get y/n settled on the couch and make sure she is doing alright. then i get to work with everyone to work on some songs periodically i checked on y/n who ended up sleeping practically the entire time.

y/n pov
shawn was so caring and sweet even while being at the studio. when we headed home that late afternoon shawn asked me some questions and made sure i was alright and had what i needed. we ordered takeout and cuddled up on the couch while finding a good movie to watch. shawn is the best especially when i fell asleep during the movie and be carried me to bed and tucked me in so i could get a good night sleep with him in our bed. when i woke up e next morning i realized how much i love him. i never expected someone to do that much for me especially because i didn't expect shawn to take care of me and go to as much trouble as he did just because of my period.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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