Jeff the killer x reader (LEMON)

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Y/N = your/name

"Hello sweet's~"

Jeff whispered, while you walked into your and his room. You two have been roomates for a little while in the Slender mansion. Ever since he decided not to kill you. Which shocked everyone! Even the author writing all this!

"Hey, Jeff"

"Anything fun today?"

"No. Not really..."

"Too bad..."

He tried to frown but do to his carved smile it looked a little weird. You understood the frown though.
You jumped on your bed across from Jeff, after closing the door and locking it. You sighed and leaned your head back into the soft cussions...

"Can I do anything to make you feel happy?"

"Well........nah you couldn't do that!"

You blushed in the middle of your sentence. 'What are you thinking?! You can't just fuck Jeff!' You thought to yourself, I mean, you've thought about it for a long time. But still! You would love to but no!

"Couldn't do what?"


"Tell me!"


"Fine! I won't force you then!" 

He sat on his bed, crossing his arms as he did so. 

"Jeff, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to yell" 

"It's fine...just- lets not talk about it..." 


"What were you thinking about anyways?" 

"Fucking you..."


Before he could finish, you walked over to his bed and smashed your lips into his...


He "moaned" into the kiss, since he wasn't expecting it... He made the kiss deeper as he aroused your breast. 


You moaned into the kiss. His touch felt so good against yours, It felt leathery but gentle. You broke the kiss and panted, already getting turned on by all this. 

"Fuck me~"

"I will." 

Jeff said as he pinned you on his bed and gripped your breasts roughly, earning an ear-pleasuring moan from your mouth. 


You leaned your head back, as he put two fingers on your clothed pussy. 


You moaned out. He then ripped off your shirt and bra, causing your now exposed nipples to harden due to the coldness of the room. He bit down and sucked on your nipple, letting a moan escape from your mouth. 


You moaned, while Jeff blushed slightly from his name being moaned. You tugged on his white hoodie, to make him take it off. Luckily he got the message and took off his hoodie revealing his slim pale body. You ended up looking at him up and down, he noticed then smirked at you. 

"You like what you see~?"



He then ripped off your pants and underwear, went down to your wet pussy, and started licking fast and gently. 


You moaned, clutching the sheets as you did. He licked faster, licking up and down, left and right, and even in swirls. It felt so good... but, he stopped so suddenly, making you whimper.

"Sorry to disappoint you~ but you can't have all the fun~"

He kissed you gently and then took off his pants and boxers. Putting his tip on your entry...



He thrusted deeply into you. Causing you to almost scream, but you held your mouth shut. He took your hand away from your mouth and pinned it above you with oyur other hand.

"None of that~ I wanna hear you scream~"

He thrusts himself into you deep, fast, and hard. This made you go crazy and filled with ecstacy...

"F-fuck Jeff~!"

You moaned, making Jeff thrust faster.

"Good girl~"

He slightly moaned as he kept thrusting into your tight whole...

"F-fuck Jeff!"

You yelled out while sounds of skin slapping eachother and the sounds of moans filled the room...

"Sweets~ your so tight~!"

"Jeff! I'm close~♡"

"M-me too!"

You came, so after you did, he came due to your tightness...


He said while cumming inside you...
He fell next to you, still panting, as were you.
He pulled you close and held you gently. You closed your eyes and the last thing you heard was-

"Goodnight my love~"

670 words

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