Eyeless Jack x Reader (LEMON)

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Y/N = your/name

"Hey Y/N..."

"Hey Jack!"

You both greeted while Jack sat next to you on the couch. Ben was watching a movie on the other side of the couch, while you and Jack were on the opposite end. Jack bundled you both up with a soft blanket as you sat close to him. So close that your legs were touching. The lights were off and Ben was almost asleep when you felt a hand on your inner thigh, then you felt a squeeze. You almost moaned.


You whispered, Jack glanced at you. He went higher up on your thigh and squeezed. You covered your mouth, not wanting Ben to hear you.

"Well I'm going to bed, have fun you two~"

He winks at you, the movie was halfway in and it still had an hour and a half to go. Once Ben left you whispered in Jack's ear.

"You tease~"

"Only for you~"

He whispered back, making you blush a light tint of pink. You had enough of the teasing, you decided to tease back. You sat on his lap. This backfired unfortunately, because he gripped your breasts roughly. You let out a small moan.


"You'll be doing a lot of that later~"

He whispered in your ear. His deep lustful voice made you wet. He felt this on his cock and kissed up your neck. You let out another small moan as he sucked and bit on your sweet spot.


He blushed, since his mask was off you could see his blush out of the corner of your eye. You scooted deeper into his chest and started to grind on his already rock hard cock.


He moaned into your ear, making you even more wet. So wet that you could feel your crotch soaking wet. Jack could feel your wetness on his cock, through both your pants.

"Let's take this to my room~"

Jack whispered, carrying you bridal style to his room.

"Jack, do me right here~"

"I will~"

He whispered in his deep voice, as he placed you on his bed. He went to his door, closed it and locked it with the several locks on his door, due to his privacy issue...

"Get undressed my moonlight~"

You get undressed right away, feeling self conscious, you cover your beautiful body. ♡

"Don't feel self conscious my love~ you absolutely beautiful~ ♡"

You uncovered yourself and layed down on the bed as Jack started to undress himself. 'His cock is huge!'
You thought to yourself, as he got ontop of you and prepared to thrust deep inside of you.

"Please be careful"

"Don't worry, I'll be as careful as I can~"

He thrusted deep inside of you, giving you time to adjust to his size. After a few seconds, you arched your back and moaned. Jack started thrusting deep, fast, and hard without warning. Making you moan loudly, the walls were thick so it didn't even matter If you screamed.

"Your so big~"

"Your so tight~"

He commented back. Making you squeeze your tight pussy for his cock.


He grunted, putting both your legs on his shoulders for a better angle. This made you feel amazing, then you felt it. He hit your g-spot. He started hitting it constantly, causing you to grow close to your orgasm.

"J-Jack! I-I'm ganna-"

"Me too moonlight, let's do it together~!"

You both came at the same time a few seconds later. As Jack layed down next to you, panting.

"Tell me when you want to do that again~"


You both then fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

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