Masky x Reader (LEMON)

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Y/N= your/name

Masky was outside smoking, he always did this late at night. You were outside too. You both were chatting.

"Hehe, oh! Bye the way, what's your back story?"

"Um....I'de rather not talk about it..."

"Oh...I'm sorry...."

"It's okay..."

You both went inside and talked more quietly, since the others were all asleep in the mansion.



"Can I do something?"


After your response, he kissed you. It was a deep and passionate kiss.


You hummed into the kiss, wrapping your arms around Masky's neck.



"Just jump."

You jumped and he caught your legs, carrying you to his room. You both were kissing eachother passionately, while he placed you gently on the bed. He took off his mask and placed it on the side table.

"Masky... do you have a-?"

"Yes. I have protection."

He then went up to your ear and whispered;

"Moan 'Timothy' for me ♡"


You felt yourself get wet as Tim aroused your breasts. You moaned quietly.


You moaned, he then went down to your clothed clit and rubbed it, waiting for an reaction.


You moaned loudly, he then proceeded to take off your clothes.
After he took off your clothes he took off his clothes slowly and teasingly.


You moaned out, as he kept slowly taking off his close.
You always wanted this, him to take you as he's shoving his cock deep inside you~
He positioned himself and rubbed himself on your clit.



You moaned moaned quietly. He looked up at you.

"Are you sure you want this?"


He looked deeper into your eyes with a sparkle, you smiled warmly. Just then he thrusted into you, it was a hard and deep thrust, and without even trying, he had found your g-spot.


"Oh no, does it hurt? I can pull out--"

"No, no your fine I-it's just, you found my, g- g-spot..."


You were glad that he cared about you, he was always so calm, kind, and collected toward you. And you loved him so much ♡ 
He started thrusting slowly, waiting for you to tell what to do.


He thrusted faster and harder, making you grab the bed sheets and lean your head back.

"A-are you sure-- I'm not h-hurting you~?"

"Your not h-hurting me~"

"Can I go faster~?"

"Please do."

He thrusted faster and deeper making you grip the bed sheets harder.



You and Timothy moaned out, causing you both to blush slightly. 'F-fuck that feels good~' you thought to yourself as he thrusted even faster, causing you to see stars. Damn, it felt so good you couldn't help yourself~


You moaned as he aroused your breasts while thrusting into you at mass speeds.

"F-fuck sweatheart~ you feel amazing~"

He moaned, arousing you a little rougher. You loved this so much that you were leaning your head back, and gripping the bed sheets so hard that your knuckles were turning white. You were close, you could feel it. As he slammed into you, you kept moaning. This made him thrust deeper and harder, which you didnt even know he could do.
He was really good at this.

"Ah~ s-sweatheart~ where do you want me to cum~?"

"Inside me~ p-please~"


He was close, and you could tell. He was litterally twitching inside of you.



You both moaned eachothers names as you came.
He sat next to you, panting, you were panting too.

"Let's take a shower together~"


You both got up and went to take a shower, enjoying the hot water, as you two washed eachother.  

After the shower you guys went to go sleep.

"I love you Y/N..."

Those were the last words you hear before you fell into a passionate sleep.

656 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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