The happiest time of my life, or not

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When I woke up, I noticed that Noya was already up. So I got up, but as I got up my towel slipped off. I just hope Noya didn't hear my towel fall, or else he would but up here fast, like very fast. But the tv is on so he shouldn't hear. I just re-wrapped my towel around me, and I went downstairs.

Noya was just sitting in his boxers. He looks over at me with a cup of coffee in his hand and with the morning news on. He said "Oh right I still gotta give you your pants." I am so confused so of course I asked "what do you mean?" He said while checking me out " riiiiiight I didn't tell you, I washed your pants." Ok well that was nice of him so I said "thanks" and I just walked over to sit with him. I ask him what we'll do today but he just shrugged his shoulders. I mean this is one of the few days that he doesn't have a game or practice. So I got up and acting like I'm about to go to the bathroom but then I silently tip-toed back over and just rested my head on his shoulder. I love it when he has his hair down. But he still does look pretty cute with it up. I whispered "do you want me?" He said "yes" and then while holding my towel "THEN YOU BETTER CATCH ME!!" He set his coffee down and we started running around the house. But then I went upstairs to hide in his room and then I got trapped in a corner. So he closed and locked the door, picked me up and then he threw me on the bed and got on top of me and started passionately kissing me which eventually we added tongue. Then we stopped for air, then we continued.

If the doorbell didn't ring then this might have turned into something else. Before he went downstairs, Noya got some basketball shorts on. As he went down to answer I asked if I could wear one of his hoodies, he said that I could. So I got my leggings out of the dryer and put on his Karasuno High hoodie. It turns out Tanaka, Hinata, and Kageyama we're outside the door and they came in. I texted Suga that I'm awake and he said that he'd come over. So I went downstairs and said hi to the boys. I then went over and hugged Noya and he picked me up like he normally does which is where I wrap my legs around his waist. The other guys said "OoOOoOoOoOoOOo" and Noya got annoyed and said if they wouldn't shut up then he'd slap them like he was a spiker. They all started to slightly laugh. I thought it was funny so I joined in with the laughing. The doorbell rang again but this time it was Suga. I knew it'd be him since he said that he was coming over. He was a little concerned since I was on Noya. But he asked how our night was and me and Noya looked at each other and in unison we said great.

It was about 12pm so everyone who was at the house agreed on going out to eat. We decided that we should go to a pizza place. So Noya changed into black basketball shorts with a black Karasuno High long sleeve shirt. We asked the rest of the team if they wanted to join and they agreed, it was hard convincing Tsukishima though. We walked to the restaurant and got there in about 30 minutes. When we got there I ordered some chicken tenders since I didn't know what to get. I got a little sleepy so I rested my head on Noya's shoulder. After everyone paid, Daichi said that he got the whole team (including me) tickets to see a professional volleyball game for tomorrow. I'm just glad it wasn't tonight. Because I am going to take Noya on a dinner date. But it's time to leave now. When everyone leaves the entrance to the restaurant we say by to each other and we all go home, I went back to Noya's house. When we got back to the house I asked him if he has a tux, he relied with "yes, why?" I just said "only wondering," even though he's going to use it later, I'm just excited to go on our first actual date! I'll wear the scarlet dress that I have and I'll put on some eyeliner. But man I'm tired, I'll probably take a nap, but Noya looks tired too, so I should ask him if he wants to sleep with me, but what if he takes it in THAT direction because I'm only talking about sleeping next to each other. So I just said "hey Noya, are you sleepy too?" He said "actually I am." I said in response "wanna go sleep?" And he said "yea, sure," I asked him if he could carry me upstairs, so he carried me bridal style up the staircase and went into his room and a we slept for about two hours.

This time, I woke up before Noya did. So I found a sheet of paper saying that I have to go over to Suga's house for a few minutes. I also wrote that he should get his Tux on. After I wrote the note, I texted Suga that I was coming over.

•time skip to Suga's house•

I knocked on the door, he let me in. But, Daichi, Hinata, Kageyama, and Tanaka were there. It was weird since almost the whole team was there except for like 3 or 4 people. They were watching a game between Aoba Johsai and Nekoma, I looks like it was just a recording. On my way I said hello to everyone, but I just went upstairs after and got the dress, it was a dress that barely made it to the ground, it was a long sleeve, with a deep v-neck, and form fitting except for the hips down. As soon as I got the dress I just bolted out because of how excited I am.

•time skip to Noya's house•

When I walked in I heard him getting ready. So I just silently walked upstairs and I saw him in the bathroom with some cologne. I went into his bedroom and changed. When I came out he was completely amazed. He said "you look insanely beautiful, goddess-like even." That made me feel so special. Shortly after he said " since I felt like it was a special night, I made a fantastic last minute decision." Right now, I just really want to know what it is, but I want to be a surprise so I'll wait. When he was finished getting ready I heard a car honk outside. We went downstairs, he put his hand over my eyes. We walked out the door, and I saw a... LIMO???? Why would he rent this nice and really long car, just for tonight? Damn, I really am special to him. We got in and I just leaned against him, and he put his arm around me.

•time skip to the restaurant•

When we got in, I was thankful that I made a reservation, because the line was long. But we went up to the front, and they said our table was ready.

•time skip to after dinner, because nothing interesting happened•

When we left, the limo was waiting for us. We got in, and I slept on Noya on the way back to the house.

•time skip to Noya's house•

We we got back we decided to change into comfortable clothes. I was in one of Noya's hoodies. He was in some basketball shorts. We decided to turn on the news.

A few minutes after the news started.... one of the saddest moments in my life occurred. It said that a man and a woman crashed into a creek. On the screen, it said my mom's name and some random guy's name. My mom... is... dead. I got up and ran to the bathroom while sobbing. Noya tried to talk to me, I just couldn't talk to him. Practically, my whole family is gone. I only have Suga, and the grandmother I never met, if she is even still is alive. Should I? No, Noya cares about me. But it won't change the universe. If one person dies, the world keeps on moving. The world will still turn without me. So maybe I should just end it. She may have not been the best mom but I still love her. I left, I never said I love you. Will she pass on knowing that I hate her? "WHY DIDN'T I JUST STAY?!" At this point I was almost crying so hard that I was about to vomit. "I'M SO SELFISH AND STUPID!" I'm about to end it all. "It's all my fault..." I ran out of the bathroom even though Noya tried to calm me down. I ran for the knives. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry things had to end this way. I'm sorry that-" Noya ran over in time to pick me up and get the knife out of my hand. He was crying, and so was I. He just took me up to his room. We sat down on his bed. I just sat on top of him, facing him, my arms wrapped around his neck. I was just in a state of numbness now. I didn't feel any emotions, and I didn't say anything.

Noya broke the silence by saying, " I'm sorry." I just said "it's not your fault, it's mine. She passed on knowing that I hate her." He disagreed by saying " it's not your fault, it was her own decisions, not yours." When he said that, I was slightly relieved. However, I was still really sad. Someone ringed the doorbell. I was still wrapped around Noya. It was Suga, Daichi, and Hinata. They walked in, one by one they said that they are sorry for my loss. I said "it's not your fault but thanks." They just nodded. It was getting late so they headed back to wherever they live. Noya and I just went upstairs. He just kissed me, and we went to sleep in his bed.

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