The good news

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When I woke up, it was like 4 am. I just couldn't shake the feeling that someone is after me. I couldn't go back to sleep so I just went downstairs. Noya is still asleep, so I'm trying to be as quiet as possible. I just sat on the sofa. I got a text from a random number. It said 'I love you, I want you.' I replied 'I don't even know you.' I was confused when they said 'If you truly know Noya and the teams that he's played against, then you would actually know, I'll give you a hint. Bright teal and white.' The only team that I could think of that has those colors is Aoba Johsai. Could it be someone from that team? I'll always stay with Noya, besides he'll protect me. WAIT, THE PREGNANCY TEST! I never checked it. I'm scared to check it. I'm- I just... I started to cry, silently. I just don't want to be pregnant this early. But I want to be pregnant at the same time. I just have to keep my crying silent or else- never mind I just woke him up. He looks so hotttttttttt. He asked in a sleepy voice "why are you crying?" I just got up and hugged him. His body is so warm and comforting. We just stood there. He just put his head on mine, I tightened my grip. I said " never leave me." The room went silent for a few minutes. He said "I promise." We just stood there for a few more minutes, I fell asleep, he carried me back up and put me in the bed. He laid next to me.

I woke up but I was already at school. The fire alarm went off. Noya and Suga we're trapped in the building. It...exploded. I was crying so much that I vomited at least once. I'm just done with life. I ran back to his house. I grabbed the knife. I held it to my throat.... 3...... 2..... 1.........

I woke up, fast, I was crying in real life. Must have been another nightmare. I think I woke Noya up again. Yep, he's staring at the ceiling. "You had a nightmare too?" He said too? So he had one as well? "What was your's about? If you don't mind saying." He said " you died." I said "mine was basically the same, except you died." I just hope that's not déjà vu. If it is, well I'll just.... no I won't especially if I have a kid. He'd want what's best for me. He wouldn't want me ending my life over him. Well, it's 6am, my alarm goes off in 15 minutes, I should just stay awake. Just so I don't fall asleep and not want to get up. I was about to get up but Noya said "do you wanna stay home today?" I'm so tempted but.. I should go to school. Or I shouldn't. Should. Shouldn't. Should. Welp fuck it YOLO. I said "sure." So I went back to sleep.

When I woke up, I noticed Noya was gone. At least not where he was last, which was in bed. I decided to go downstairs and see if he was there, but he isn't? Where could he be? If he doesn't come back in 30 minutes then I'll look for him. Wait the door isn't locked? Oh no someone is opening it. I ran for the knives. Oh wait- Its Noya. I ran up to him and hugged him. I asked "where were you?" He just looked down at me and said "Well.... the pregnancy test-" oh no, did it say pos- "it said negative, so we're good. But since we don't want to be scared like that again, I bought you some birth control, and condoms." Well I'm just glad he was productive today. I didn't want to be rude so I said "thanks" I continued to hug him for a few minutes. Then I let him set the stuff down. To my surprise he picked me up like he normally does, he ran upstairs, closed and locked the door. I could notice that he has a.... boner. He took off his shirt, and I took off the hoodie I was wearing.



When he took his underwear and pants off I noticed that he already had a condom on, so he intended to do thi- as I said that I moaned loudly because he felt like he had no time to waste. He more I felt him penetrating me, the more I felt that I need him. I just want to keep him forever. I was laying on my back, he was standing. We were both about to climax. Eventually we did. It just felt so good.


After we just laid there, together. He laid on the bed, I laid on top of him. We are both just so happy, nothing could really bring us down now. We found the missing piece to our life puzzle, however there is one other piece missing before it's completely completed. But we basically have the rest of the week to do whatever we want, since tomorrow is the day before Thanksgiving, they don't normally give us the whole week off, at least that's what Noya said. But right now I'm debating on whether I should have a baby with him before we get married or not. As well as who we'll spend Thanksgiving with since Noya's parents aren't supposed to be back until March of next year. Their job requires a lot of traveling so I'm not surprised. "Hey um Noya, what do you want to do for Thanksgiving?" I said. He suggested "Well I don't know, maybe we do something nice or maybe we don't." I was thinking maybe we do it all day long. It would be nice, and I mean if I start taking the birth control tonight, then I probably would have taken it long enough so we could do it raw. But all these questions made me sleepy, I fell asleep on him.

When I woke up, Noya was carrying me. But I had a hoodie on, and he had some basketball shorts on. He was going downstairs. He noticed that I woke up, so he said "how was your nap?" I muttered "It was ok." He said "well that's good." I just agreed with him. He said " I have good news!" I said "tell me what it is." I didn't say it with much expression because I was still sleepy. He said with much excitement "We're going on vacation!" My eyes widened. I asked "WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" When he told me the news, I wasn't that much asleep anymore. He said "I hope you have your passport, we are going to Florida, USA!", "but aren't we underage?" He looked a little disappointed but he said, "Welp, there's a catch to that, some of the team is going with us, well all of them. However, they said that they'd give us some space." I wasn't all that disappointed with it, because at least we could go. So I said "At least we get to go." He nodded his head and agreed, since we live in Japan, it'll be a long trip- wait.... THAT MEANS WE'LL HAVE TO LEAVE TOMORROW! "Wait but that means we'll have to leave tomorrow," he agreed and said "yep, so we'll have to pack tonight and then get up early tomorrow, the flight leaves at 7am, so we can't stay up too late. Also, since this is a fancier plane, since we will be on the plane for a long time, they got us a sort of joined room where the seats are basically next to each other, the seats are also bigger." Well that's nice, when I look over at the clock it was almost... 4PM?! Well, time has gone by fast. I suggested to Noya that we should go ahead and pack our clothes, and only leave out essential items. He just agreed and he just carried me upstairs.

After we got all packed, I suggested that we order ramen, so we did. The ramen got to the house in like 10 minutes, since the shop that it came from is only like 5 minutes from here.

•time skip to after dinner•

We just watched a movie and planned a list of things that we'd do while in America. I got really tired so I just laid my head on Noya's lap I was about to sleep but then he carried me upstairs. He laid me under the covers and then he got in next to me. He grabbed my waist and then pulled me close to him. I fell asleep shortly after.

Hey guys! I want to improve my writing. So if you wouldn't mind to comment, because otherwise I wouldn't know. I hope that you're  enjoying the story as much as I am!

                                                ~the author

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