Trip to America: Tragidy

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Someone hit you with a tranquilizer dart... and you fell asleep instantly...

When I woke up I was in a Van... I didn't have my phone on me, I screamed "HELLO! ANOYNE THERE?" We were moving so I didn't really expect anyone to answer but someone did.. it sounded like a familiar voice "Yes, obviously" it was rude but at least I know someone is there that would reply, me being the fool that I am I said "Where are we going?" They said "You don't need to know." Well ok I know I wouldn't get a full answer but they could've been nicer about it-

That was a hard stop... Whoever was driving got out.. I didn't know if there was doors anywhere close to me since I was blindfolded. Although, they opened the door. They grabbed me, I stood still so I wouldn't be killed since I don't know if they have a gun or something. I'm just tired of this.... why did it have to be me in this situation? What if they do have a gun... the things I could do with only a single bullet... but I probably shouldn't, for now at least. If things get out of hand, then that's a different story. Now if-

I was thrown on the ground forcefully and someone crawled onto me.

Oh god please don't tell me-

"Move one inch and you're dead" the familiar voice said.

Oh no I'm not ready for this. Why did it have to be now. Just why? If I ask if they have a gun or knife will they kill me? It wouldn't matter since that's what I'll do if they have either of them. This can't go on any longer. And what makes this even worse is the fact that I can't exactly tell who is there.. if I knew who it was, it would've been at least a little better. Since I was really scared I just blurted "Please tell me that you have a gun or knife, just please say that you do have one." The voice said "I do, what will you do if I let you have it?" In a sad tone I replied "It's simple.. I will just end it right here, I won't kill you.. I will kill myself. There is no point to living if this is the only thing that happens to me." The voice said "We can't have you doing that, you'll make me and that so called 'boyfriend' Nishinoya sad. He's not much of a boyfriend if he can't even save you in this situation." I mean he's right if Noya couldn't save me in this situation then wha- no no I can't be thinking that, he was pretty far away and it'd be hard for him to run all the way across and run up the stairs. "So why don't you have me instead?" The voice said. "Well I don't even know who you are. So how am I supposed to even think of being with you?"

The voice said "Think of Aoba Johsai or Seijō, the most well know team captain out there." Damn, he actually think he's the best, but it's..... "Oikawa?-"

You were stabbed with a tranquilizer dart... again

You wake up right outside of the gym.

Oh no no no... please tell me that was a terrible dream.. but my neck hurts.. and I'm bleeding just a little. Oh no, it wasn't a dream, but what'll happen if I tell Noya? Will he confront Oikawa? Will he be killed from that decision? I guess I just won't tell him... I don't want him to be hurt. But it's cold out here.. I should get up and go inside.. or that might be a bad idea... well I'll never know until I go inside.

As I went in.. saw everyone looking around then I see Hinata look at me and run towards my and he screamed "I FOUND HER!" W-were- I just fell to the ground and started crying, Hinata hugged me and said "Noya will be over here any second now it'll be ok." And a few seconds after saying that, Noya came running behind Hinata and told him to move. Noya just got me off of the ground and hugged me tightly and asked me "What happened?" After he said that I just fully broke down, I couldn't even speak. Noya took me into the locker room and just told me not to look, in which I just buried my head into his neck. After, we went to the car, he said I could stay where I was if I wanted to, which I did. He put his stuff in the passenger seat, I sat on his lap while he drove.

•time skip to the hotel•

When we got to the hotel he got out, I was still on him and he got his stuff out and he went inside the hotel. On the way to the room, he stopped by a store and he got some paint. I'm confused as to why he did that, but I'll probably find out later.

•time skip to the room•

When we got in, Noya set me down and told me to get into something that I don't mind getting paint on, so I put on some shorts and a sports bra. He told me to put some paint on my hands and make a handprint where I was touched. I put a mark on my lower back, chest, face, and thighs. He asked "is that all?" I also put fingerprints where the darts hit. He told me to wash the paint off of my hands then. He said "Tell me all of what happened." Out of nervousness I said "I can't, or more of... I don't want to hurt you so I can't." He said "You'll hurt me by not telling me." So I just felt guilty and I told him the whole story.

"...Long story short it was Oikawa." After I said that, Noya said "If this ever happens again, I will find out.. and I will kill him, I don't care if I get caught, a sick person like him doesn't deserve to live." When I looked over that the clock it said 9:37pm. Wow it got pretty late, pretty fast. Noya said that I should probably take a shower and wash the paint off.. but doesn't he need to take a shower? Waiiiiit... what if I ask him to take a shower with me, should I? Yes. No.
Yes. No. Yes. No..... Yes. And that is final. So I said "Hey um Noya, do you wanna shower with me?" He blushed real fast. He looked around for a minute and said "Ummm... sure." MMMMM YAYYYYY HE SAID YESSS! This is gonna be interesting and fun. So we went into the bathroom and got undressed and we got in together.

While in the shower, I just looked down at my own body, until Noya said "Is anything wrong?" I said "No, not really" and I just looked up at him and he looked down at me and I hugged him. We stood there for a few minutes. After, I just let go and we did what we needed to in the shower.

•time skip to after the shower•

When we got out, after we got in a towel, Noya carried me bridal style to the bed. I took off the towel, and so did he. A few minutes after, we dozed off...

Highlight of my low life (Nishinoya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now