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These windows!
Aren't they amazing?
You can see so much ,
feel so much
and yet,
you are not a part of any of it.
A tiny little man moving away on the road
or a horn honking in a distance.
Some lights shining through the half built walls,
Leaves moving just like that.
You know it's chilly outside
and yet you sit there unaffected.
Moving in with the world in your mind
and yet sitting at your place in peace.
Only eyes following strangers passing by,
ears picking up on random things.
It's overwhelming
and yet it's calming,
soul soothing.
It connects you to the world,
shows you what's outside your castle
and then again you can't help but feel disconnected,
Contended maybe, since you are on the inside.
Watching across the window
a world seemingly in a different dimension,
where another window opens in a distance,
wondering if the onlookers feel the same.

Hi there! Thanks for reading.
Keep rolling, happy reading.😊

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