The First Day

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A flash of blue than red
Blinding lights and screaming that echoed in my ears
Then murmuring and whispers, I could only make out certain words.
Voices crying out in pain, bodies and blood everywhere. I was petrified, I couldn't do anything, I was helpless.

I jolted awake, and cold sweat covered my face. My hand immediately flew up to the necklace I had when I came up from the box. I felt like I was gonna be sick, but I shook the feeling and got up from my hammock. The sun wasn't up yet, and I wasn't a morning person, but there was no way I could go back to sleep after a dream like that. So I just laid in my hammock  staring at nothing. Eventually I moved slowly toward the gardens, my stomach growling because I didn't eat anything yesterday. I picked an apple from a tree and started munching on it. I took care of the gardens and then the animals. After that I just sat in front of the maze entrance, thinking.

I felt drawn to the maze and I wasn't sure why, I just loved staring at it.

'I wonder if it's safe to go into it?' I thought to myself.

I didn't feel like I should enter the maze knowing nothing about it, so I stood up to leave. Before I turned to go get more work done I had a thought.

'How dangerous can it actually be? I mean if it's just a maze there's no reason I couldn't look around a little.'

'No!' I argued with myself, 'The shucking walls close at night, there has to be a reason. They wouldn't just close for nothing, quit being such a slithead!'

Before I could realize it, I was already in the maze, to overwhelmed with curiosity to stop myself. I made it to the end of the corridor and it broke to the left and right. I stood there for a second, before turning left.

'I'll just keep going left then right, so I won't get lost.' I explained to myself.

The stone walls stretched so high and had vines on them. As I walked I couldn't help but feel like I had been here before, maybe in a dream or something, I wasn't sure.

'It's probably nothing, (Y/N), you can't remember anything, why would this place feel familiar?' I informed myself, 'You're probably just making it up.'

After my fourth right, I decided to head back since I couldn't see the sun anymore. Left first, then right, left, right. I made it back just as the sun was slipping behind the west wall. 'That wasn't so bad.' I thought, suddenly the east wall rumbled and started to close. Followed by the south wall, then the west, and north.

I stood there struck with wonder. I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that the walls actually shut, it amazed me. After the walls closed I started walking back to the buildings.

By this time I was starving considering I'd only eaten an apple earlier this morning. I went to the gardens and picked a head of lettuce, a cucumber, a tomato, pulled up an onion and a carrot, and got some water from the pump. I went to the kitchen and chopped everything up and made a salad, filled a glass with water, and put the remaining food in a fridge that was there. I ate my salad and had more questions that flooded my mind to think about: How did this place get electricity? How is there running water? If all this was here before I got here, doesn't that mean someone was here first?

Once I got done eating I cleaned up the kitchen and went back to the homestead and took out a piece of paper. I figured I'd better keep track of how long I'd been here. I drew two tally marks on it. I also thought it would be smart if I kept a jornal on the things that i did each day. So I quickly jotted doen my day and tucked the paper into my chest with my clothes. I tried laying down to get some rest, but it wasn't as easy as it had been the first night. After a few hours I eventually drifted into an uneasy sleep, dreading my nightmares, and curios for what future days may hold.


I hope these two parts of the story have been interesting. If you guys have any suggestions I'd love to hear them. Please leave a comment! I'm hoping to get some new characters introduced soon! Love you all, praying for you!!!

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