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"Sora, would you please hurry up?" (Y/N) asked her teammate who was slowly walking a few meters behind her.

Morning sun beams were peeking through the clouds above Konoha. All that could be heard was faint chirping of birds and a gentle breeze dancing in treetops of nearby oak trees. Team Five was walking towards the main gate with very little conviction. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep that made the three chunin unusually irritable.

"Good job, now you woke everyone up". The boy standing next to the (H/C) girl commented in a flat, unenthusiastic voice.

"Stop being so grumpy just because it's early in the morning." She answered.

Sora cough up to the duo. He was a dashing, handsome teenage boy with black ebony hair and radiant turquoise eyes. Even so, it wasn't the color of his eyes that was so breathtaking as it was the way he looked at his teammates. His gaze was loving, like that of a mother. Sora was truly a calm, warm-hearted soul.

"Ren probably stayed up all night reading manga again." Sora gently laughed.

By their physical appearance Ren was Sora's polar opposite. His hair was the color of milk and his eyes were ruby red. His kindess was usually demonstrated through his immense charm and concern he had for everyone around him.

It was well known that the trio was inseparable ever since their academy days. (Y/N) always liked to say they were her little brothers. Reality was drastically different. In fact, Ren and Sora were always the ones prioritising her safety rather than their own and protecting her. She was a talented, skilled ninja, but her flaw was unparalleled kindness she held in her heart that refrained her from gravely hurting even the most dangerous of enemies.

"A part of me hopes that the Akatsuki left the area so we can come back home in time for your little sister's birthday" Sora told Ren.

"Yeah, specially because you're the only one who didn't get her a gift yet, "(Y/N) added, "Maybe you should start thinking about it, Ren."

"You guys just bought it too early, that's all."

(Y/N) noticed how abnormally irritated Ren sounded and instantly looked at Sora who was walking right beside her. Sora nodded.

"Could it be that you're worried about the Akatsuki?"

"I think you're just jumping to conclusions, Sora. I'm actually very excited to finally take them down." Ren assured.

"We won't take them down. We're just going to gather information about their whereabouts and come home."

"Besides, I don't think they're up to something vicious. It's a gut feeling." (Y/N) lied.

(Y/N) knew the Akatsuki weren't good news no matter the circumstance. She assumed that Ren was worried about Naruto and tried to reassure him.

Ren looked up to Naruto and felt the duty to protect him. Naruto was two years younger that Team 5 and they met each other on an interesting mission a few years back. Since then Ren saw Naruto as a light that was always shining, the future of the entire world. He always said Naruto is going to become the hokage and that he must be protected at all cost, so being worried about the Akatsuki taking Naruto was almost a part of his everuday routine.

"I just hope you're right (N/N)."

"Perhaps you should relax a bit, Ren. Did you know a new volume of that manga you like is out?" Sora tried to cheer him up in a gentle, loving voice.

"Which manga?" (Y/N) joined in on Sora's plan to encourage Ren to talk about manga.

"A new volume? Yeah, of which manga?"

Sora didn't know what to answer, so he nervously scrathed his head and looked at (Y/N) in hopes she'll think of a good answer.

"Oh, he meant the One Eyed Ninja."

(Y/N) quickly mentioned one of his favorite manga series she liked as well, taking a complete guess if the new volume is out.

"You guys, stop lying to cheer me up, it's not fun." Ren playfully commented and smiled."You don't even know the volume for One Eyed Ninja was out two weeks ago. What a dissapointment."

"Maybe we're dissapointments, but you still love and cherish us daily, right?" (Y/N) teased.

"Of course, I love you guys." Ren said.

"We certainly love you as well." Sora replied, handing Ren and (Y/N) a piece of chocolate.

"Yeah, Sora, there is something I wanted to ask you since yesterday. Why did you decline sensei's proposal to become a jonin again?" Ren asked with his mouth full of white chocolate.

"I mean, when did Sora actually accept a rank that was adequate according to his abilities? Remember that even when we were children he refused being promoted just because he believed it's too early."

"Stop flattering me so much, you guys. I just want the three of us to be promoted together, that's all." Sora smiled.

"We'll catch up to you, Sora, you just wait!"

"Yeah we will, you tell him Ren."

Team was approaching the main gates of the village talking about childhood crushes, food and music. It helped Ren ease up so (Y/N) and Sora emptied their minds and enjoyed the sunny morning.


"It's terribly early in the morning. How am I supposed to function this early?" Blue eyed boy complained while playing with a piece of clay in his hand.

"Be quiet, Deidara."

"I'm just tired, okay?"

Two men in black cloaks decorated with ruby red clouds quietly walked down a dusty narrow path deep in the woods. Diedara's pace was slow and unsteady, revealing his exhaustion and proving his claim. Sasori resented Deidara's overly humane behaviour and refused to pay attention to his complaints.

"This is going to be boring, un." Deidara commented.

"We're approaching the next village soon." Sasori said, ignoring Deidara's comment.

"We aren't even doing anything. We're just gathering information about the area, which is just unnecessary."

"Let's just get it over with, Deidara."

Deidara understood the importance of being familiar with the area if Pain was planning an attack on Konoha, but not necessarily why would Pain want to attack the village. It was highly unlikely they would start gathering the tailed beasts with the strongest one. He wanted to ask Sasori his opinion about the topic, but decided to keep quiet due to his weariness.


Hello guys, just in case some of you got confused, (N/N) means nickname.

This is just a chapter to introduce you guys to the story, so it's very light hearted. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next weekend.

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