Foster Home

408 13 2

Toshiro Lila


At the group home Tetsuya's POV

The first thing I saw when entering the group home is a group of 5 boys, 3 preteens and 2 16-17 year olds, wrestling each other for a remote control.

"Boys!" Said a lady in a dress, "I would like to introduce you to your new housemates, Tetsuya and Nagisa Kuroko. They will be staying here for a while so make sure they feel welcome!"

After introductions, we were shown our room. Since we were brothers they thought we'd be more comfortable together and they weren't wrong. Miss Ari, the lady from before was quite nice but as soon as her back was turned the older boys sneered at us while the younger ones ignored us. We chose to just sit on my bed and cuddle in silence. Hoping, praying, that this was all a nightmare.

Minutes turned to hours. We hadn't slept at all. I couldn't stop thinking about what will happen to us and I know Nagisa was thinking the same thing by the fear on his face as we watched the sun rise.

"Tetsuya! You have visitors! And you're going to miss lunch!"

Oh, it's past midday already. Nagisa looks surprised as well. I guess we both got lost in thought. As we head downstairs, we contrite to ignore the glares from the other boys. I'm still not sure why they hate us. Hearing Nagisa gasp, I looked over at the front door only to see the GoM staring back at me.

"Hello Tetsuya and who might this be?" Said Akashi.

"Kuroko Nagisa, my brother. It's nice to see you again."

"Such...unfortunate circumstances you find yourselves in. Would you like me to find someone worthy of taking you in?"

"No. I-I think we should let happen what is meant to happen. Please only interfere if I tell you they are splitting us up." Just as I finished talking, Nagisa broke down into tears.

"N-nii-san, d-don't leave m-me! P-please! D-don't let them take m-me!" He continued to wail as he fell onto his knees. As soon as I realized what he was saying, I sat down and brought him up into my lap and started reassuring him.

"Shhh. It's okay. Nii-san isn't going anywhere, do you here me?" Tearful nod. "Everything will be just fine, you'll see. No matter what happens, I'll be right there beside you, okay?" Another nod. That seemed to do the trick as his crying began to dwindle. I looked up to the GoM to find them staring at us with pity and sadness. Even Murasakibara stopped eating his snacks. He was the one to break the silence. "Do you want a candy?" He said to Nagisa while holding out a hand with a chocolate bar, "it'll make you feel better." With a tearful smile, Nagisa accepted the chocolate bar that was handed out to him and began to eat it with a small smile still on his face.

We were startled when the door opened again, showing Miss Ari holding a check board. She gave a sad smile when she realized Nagisa had been crying, then she began to talk to the GoM. "Boys I am terribly sorry but you will have to be leaving now. We have potential foster parents coming soon and that means you two will have to get ready." She ended looking at us. Nodding my head, I picked up Nagisa and said goodbye to the others, hoping I can see them again soon.

As I walked up the stairs, Nagisa in my arms, I began to wonder. What will these people be like? Nice or mean? Supportive or abusive? If they take us, will they take us both?


The meeting came and went. The couple ended up leaving without anyone, although the nearly took Nagisa. Turns out they wanted someone younger then what we had. Over the next two weeks, people continued coming, two preteens were adopted by two of the couples that came, though they seemed a bit sketchy. The weeks continued to pass by. Everyone came to visit when they could but it never felt like enough. I miss basketball and oddly enough, I miss school. I had to switch to homeschool as Seirin is too far from here and I didn't want to seem like a traitor by going to another school.

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