New Home?

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During the explanation at the end of chapter 2


Hisato Toshiro POV

'Those poor boys. I can't believe what their mother put them through and how could their father just sit around and let it happen?! I mean we have dealt with different forms of abuse but I've never heard of anyone being forced to act like the opposite gender. Even with Sachi it was different. I hope we can help them through this.' By the time Tetsuya finished explaining everything, i wanted to shelter them and never let them out again. 'Take it slow, Hisato. You don't want to scare them away.' It's so hard to hold myself back. i may not be an open book when it comes to my feelings like Shawn, but I've always had a soft spot for kids.

[Shawn was thinking pretty much the same thing so i'll just save some time here! :)]


Present Time

Tetsuya's POV

'Wow! This house is amazing and I've only seen the outside so far!' i could only stare in astonishment at the gorgeous house we were nearing. it was like something out of a movie! a small laugh on my left made my face heat up. "Your face is so funny right now!" ...screw you Nagisa. 'At least he seems to be feeling better. I have been a lot more expressive since I've met them, it's unsettling.' The house is just inside of a forest with a dirt path leading to the house and a river next to it with a bridge over it. It's a beautiful two story brick house with a chimney. I can't wait to see the inside.

5 minutes later

'Is this a freaking castle?! What the heck?! How is a house this amazing?'

"Thank you. It's an old family home." Said Hisato. Shit! I said that out loud!

"Yes you did and watch your language young man."

"Sorry sir."

"Since you don't know rules and punishments yet, take that as a warning. And please don't call me sir, call me Hisato-san if that's more comfortable."

"Yes si-Hisato-san."

"Alright then, let's begin the tour. Girls, would you like to help?" "Yes Papa!" And with that the tour began.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  5 minutes prior

Nagisa POV

'Oh wow! This place is amazing! So ...this is our new home huh? I wonder if they are actually nice or is it just a facade?' I look over at nii-san to find him making the most hilarious face! I couldn't help but say something.

"Your face is so funny right now!"

The glare he sent me made it so much funnier! I can practically hear him internally yelling at me. But seriously look at that house! I'm so excited! I wonder what my room looks like?

Present Time

'The inside is even cooler! It's awesome!' I look over at nii-san and he starts talking.

"Is this a freaking castle?! What the heck?! How is a house this amazing?"

"Thank you. It's an old family home." Said Hisato.

"Shit! I said that out loud!"

'Omg! He never gets close to cursing at least...not out loud.'


Following morning

Author's POV

The house was quiet, as it was 6 o'clock in the morning. But if you listened closely, you could hear light footsteps on the second floor. Shawn had woken up an hour ago, being an early riser as always, he wanted to surprise his new charges. Although he didn't know them very well, he could tell something was upsetting them, he just has to figure out what it was. He slowly walked to his oldest's room and opened the door. He smiled at the sleeping teen. He could tell he hasn't been sleeping much by the bags growing under his eyes so it made him happy to know he had fallen asleep, even in a new environment. He felt bad walking the teen, but they had a long day ahead of them.

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