Chapter 2: Rumors

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It was obvious that Sasuke was in love with Naruto - and everyone but Naruto could see this.

Even from way before, he'd only ever give his attention to naruto, he'd stare at him very obviously, tease him too much - even though he's normally very silent and indifferent, he NEVER glares at Naruto -even though he glares at most others for no particular reason, no matter how much Naruto yells at him or tries to annoy him he never gets pissed, all in all he very obviously adors the blonde and makes it quite obvious.

So it wasn't surprising to have rumors about Sasuke being gay and in love with Naruto spread around - courtesy of fangirls/fanboys who love to ship.

And to make this worse, Sakura wouldn't stop calling Sasuke as Naruto's boyfriend.

It'd happened throughout their elementary and middle school, with Sasuke not giving a damn about it - well, he didn't hate it when Sakura called him Naruto's boyfriend, he personally loved it in fact, also, it was all true to an extent so he couldn't care to deny it - he says 'to an extent' as he's not really boyfriends with Naruto (unfortunately) and it's not that he's gay so he fell for Naruto but it's just so happend that he fell for Naruto, who was a guy, thus making him gay - technically.

So now, when rumors spread around about not just Sasuke being gay but even Naruto.. That was enough to make Naruto realize that.... He really does hate Sasuke the most! -though it's probably Sakura's fault for calling Sasuke his boyfriend and stuff- but regardless, he hated Sasuke!! It's cause he's there that this shit is happening to him!!

He knew that something like this was gonna happen when he felt that erie shiver down spin during lunch yesterday! This sucks! He obviously doesn't like Sasuke one freaking bit so why the hell are there rumors about them being ex-boyfriends of all things spread around!?!? No seriously! Why him.. Ugh.. This sucks..

He angrily pressed the button on the vending machine to get his preferred drink, took it and stomped away.

Or so he tried - bumping into someone and stopping to apologize - he didn't think he'd ever get into such a mess in his life.. ever..

Sasuke, who heard the rumors too, was looking for Naruto, he just had a really bad feeling about this rumor - exactly what made them think they were "ex-boyfriends" he had no idea but the fact that it was "ex" was pissing him off - even if it's just rumors, that was unacceptable.

As he was about to turn a corner he noticed how some guys were surrounding someone or something and was just about to ignore it when he suddenly got a glimpse of that blonde mope that he recognized all too well and just like that all hell broke loose..

Naruto watched as Sasuke came out of nowhere and beat the shit out of the seniors -who were trying to give him shit for having a "boyfriend"- without blinking an eye,  literally.

Fortunately, the seniors managed to run away before they were half-killed and Sasuke all but rushed to Naruto as soon as they were gone out of sight.

Grabbing him by the shoulders, Sasuke looked like he saw death, "..are you okay?", he breathed, almost too scared to ask, with his heart thumping loud enough to ring in his ears.

"you're.. Overreacting.. They were just talking shit about how weird it is to be gay and stuff, they didn't really do anything", Naruto answered honestly, a little more than taken aback at seeing Sasuke drop his composure -that he tried so hard to rip off- so damn easily.. All because he thought that Naruto was in danger... What the hell!?! He really didn't wanna think that Sasuke actually cares for him... He really hates Sasuke, and Sasuke knows this too. So, there's no way he would care for someone who hates him so much... Right..?

Sasuke was so relieved that his Naruto was safe - he'd really imagined the worst case scenario when he noticed him being surrounded like that - it really made him lose it - shit.. He noticed he still held onto Naruto's shoulders and immediately let go before he loses it again - except to jump him this time.

"then... Walk back with me today", he stated randomly, still a bit out of it from what just happened, he tries his best to regain his normal composure.

Naruto, who was still busy being in denial, was caught off guard, "...huh?.. Wait.. Where did that come from??"

"well, i already asked you yesterday and I'm asking again", he simply states.

ask..? He just said ask, didn't he? Which part of that was "ask" i wonder.

Naruto sighs, technically he was kinda saved by Sasuke -not that he asked for it but saved nonetheless-so he decides to hear out at least why he suddenly decided to "ask" him to walk home with him out of no f/*+ing where.

"so.. Uhhhh.. Why do you want to walk home with me? It's not like we get along. But well.. I.. Thank you for just now.. Not that i asked for it but yeah, just.. ", he trailed off feeling awkward to be having a normal conversation with him - somewhat normal.

It was Sasuke's turn to be caught off guard, he never expected to be sincerely thanked by his Naruto, well, he was obviously hated so he just expected to be completely ignored or pissed at, with him stomping off as usual.. Well, this was too unusual.

"oy.. I was talking to you", Naruto glares, his cheeks slightly red from embarrassment - he couldn't believe he actually thanked Sasuke, Sasuke of all people!!

Sasuke coming back to his senses, "right.. You don't really need to thank me, i just did what i wanted, and as for why i wanted to walk back with you.. I would like to get closer to you", as nervous as he was to say this out loud - he was really happy to have finally said what he really wanted. So much that, Sasuke unconsciously let out his smile, with just Naruto around, he completely let his guard down.

That was the first time he saw Sasuke smile, he's seen his teasing smirks countless times enough to hate it, but this was the first time ever to see him smile.. It was really sweet.. Kinda made him feel warm 'n fuzzy.....wah!! He DID NOT just think that!!! Ahhhhh!!! What the hell!! He really didn't understand anything anymore!!

"..we-well, i hate you though!! And I'd be damned if you're just messing with me!!!", he really didn't wanna believe a word Sasuke was telling him - but he didn't wanna stay in-debt to this Bastard of all people so, he reluctantly says, cheeks burning red, "But since i owe you one..", he looks away bashfully, " if it's just for a week"

Sasuke couldn't believe his eyes.

Ah, damn, he's adorable, i love him..

He never expected Naruto to agree -even for just a week- he was beyond happy, so damn much that he was almost grinning.

Naruto sure got to see lots of sides to Sasuke in just one freaking day -super angry look, sweet smile, a happy grin- why didn't he ever get to see all this way before, even though they've been together for so freaking long, this really annoys him so much, he really does hate Sasuke after all -and even though he doesn't wanna believe a thing that comes outta that teme's mouth- Why the hell was his heart beating so damn fast?!!? Shit.. He really didn't wanna believe it..

He silently walks away with a happy Sasuke trailing behind, and he couldn't help but sneak glances at his face - though he'd never admit it, not even to himself.


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