6) Inducer on loose

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I shook from my thoughts as millie looked into her phone casually

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I shook from my thoughts as millie looked into her phone casually.
Then all of a sudden she froze.


She looked at us in horror and shoved us into an empty classroom.


We asked our breath rhythming our raised heartbeats. Mils looked at us, her mind spiralling over different possibilities.

"Dad messaged. There's trouble " she whispered.

Instantly there was silence. Dead silence except for our hearts bounding on our chest. Ace opened his mouth to say something as an excruciating scream reached our ears rooting us on the floor.

Time ticked. But spell broke as fast as it came. Thundering footsteps echoed through the corridor. Shouts, gasps followed.

Opening the door we found a crowd at the end of the corridor. We could tell it was a havoc from the whitened faces of people.
No one noticed us coming out. I really didn't want to find out what happened. We could just leave this place but something told me not to. The same instinct that leads us to more trouble.

Cautiously we approached the scene just as someone screamed.

"No no no!!!!! Thara!!! THARA!!"

A white peaceful girl, brown hair, specs, a book in her hand fluttered open lay on the floor. Her face reflecting a peaceful pallor. Her friend was crying and shouting , clutching the girls clothes. The rest was frozen.

When we stumbles into something which terrifies us,we don't scream or cry at the first instinct. There would always be that short gap where our senses would go numb, where we would contemplate on what is happening unable to move or process.

Suddenly someone pushed us.

"Move! What is happening here!!"

"Oh lord"

It was Mrs. Susans. She knelt in front of the girl and checked her pulse . Her face grave as she didn't find what she wanted to feel.

And the spell broke. Some fainted. Some screaming, scared, terrified. Some ran ,some obvious to what was happening, some hurrying from other floors hearing the commotion.
The whole thing happened in just seconds.
Mrs. Susans hurring out carrying the girl . Her friend crumbling not ready to still accept what was happening.

Soon the ambulance sirens reached our ears.

"Owch" Ace cried shooking his hands from mils iron hard grip.


"Come on " I said as I plunged into the crowd.

Reaching the ground floor, I saw a glimpse of an ambulance beeping with sirens going down the road.

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