8) Its your mind

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"Who are you? " I voiced.

"Me, I'm cerulean, call me Zane."

I could say he was torn apart by something.

He sighed. "I don't know what happened, I'm sorry. I should have been there. I could have protected you. And now_" He broke off.

I didn't understand what he was trying to say.

"Protected me from what?"

"Sapphire, things are getting worse than we ever guessed. And worser. "

The lights blinked .

"I want you to stay awake as__"


Water seeped through my hair as I felt the coolness of the liquid around me. Rain was batting in my eyes. Opening them I figured I was in the shower laying on the floor.

What was happening. Why was I on the floor!

Some flashes came back to me, threads snapping, a broken web.
Did I fall asleep in the shower ! I gasped.

What was wrong with me!

"Honey I'm going to have your food if you don't mind"

"I'm_ I'm coming !" I yelled back still trying to contemplate what was happening. Why was I in the shower? What happened! Did I bath or did I faint?

Then horror passed through me. No it can't be! No!
It was just seconds before the thoughts started passing my mind in the speed of light. My heart beating frantically, my breath becoming short. No it can't be.
Breathe... breathe.. just one more...
I started counting my breaths.
It was no time for panicking. We were over this. We are over this. It's just your mind. It's your mind..your mind... nothing else. Its your mind. You must have hit your head. You must have fallen down. Nothing else.

Slowly my heartbeat became normal. My breathing reduced.
Gulping in a lot of air, I got dressed still not knowing if I had bathed or not.

"Jay the food!"

"Coming "
Chill it's your mind. Everything's normal. Calm down.

Going down the stairs, I knew my mom was going to guess something was wrong, but I wished she would stop her thoughts there.

"Jay! Why_ what's wrong?"

I smiled. It's nothing. Keep calm.

"What's wrong?" I asked back.

"I asked you what's wrong first."

"Well I asked you what's wrong for you to ask me what's wrong "

Mom rolled her eyes.
"Becauz I'm your mom"

"Why does all mothers feel that that explains everything?!"

"Because they're all mothers"

"But it doesn't help"

"Now are you saying there's something that I don't know? "



"Now that seriously means that there's something that I don't know "

"Um mom...Stop!"

"Just because I'm not going to pressurize you to say what it is now doesn't mean that I'm letting it go soon. Also I'm hungry. "

If this wasn't pressurizing, I don't know what is.

"Shall I pour some curry, Ms. Everythingisasecret?"

"You shall, Mrs. Knowitall "

"Why? Do you expect me to serve you! Geez take it yourself."


"Too spoiled, too spoiled. Gazing to the phone all day has done this to you!"

"Says someone who shoots tik tok videos "

"Says someone who is obsessed with Talking Jim"

"It's Tom! Talking Tom! And I'm not obsessed with it"

"Yeah, I can see that"

I frowned as mom helped herself to some more curry.
I'm not obsessed with talking tom ,I swear.

Hey guys!!! So here we are back again. I know this chapter is small, but I was trying to go with flow . I realized that I've been writing about the same day in 5 chapters. I mean isn't that crazy that so much happened in one day! But honestly I feel that if we were to write about every detail of what happened in a single day, maybe we could write a whole book. And by a single day, I mean a day before quarantine happened.

So guys, share me your thoughts. What do you think is exactly happening here. I know it's a lot confusing, I mean I get lost sometimes, but I promise everything's going to make sense. I hope so.

I actually feel sad that I'm updating a really small chapter. But the day has officially ended. Lol

I'm forever grateful for each and every vote, comment and follow you gave me. Thank you so much. I've never been more active on wattpad than I'm now and it's all due to you.

Mom: you guys are so spoiled! Why are you still staring at the screen.

Dusutti: nonono, you are not allowed to say that.

Mom: why not ?

Dusutti: cause how are they going to vote without looking at the screen?

Mom: with their hands!!!


Have a good day :)

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