Chapter 12

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Hey! Stracey here!! I'm really thankful of you guys reading this!! It's like 9000 views! THAT'S A LOT! Thank you too for the people who voted and fan me ;))

Love and Oreos, Stracey <3

Chapter 12!

I hugged him, tightly. My eyes wide open and I pulled away and asked," You knew?"

He grinned at me, "Always."

I glared at hum and started punching his chest, hard.

"Ow! Ow! Hey!"

"How come you never told me!? Didn't you know how long I waited for you!?" I muttered angrily, eyes stinging with tears. How come I never noticed! I'm so dumb! He was right under my nose! He even called me what he used to call me back then!

I huffed loudly and stopped punching him, to sink down into the ground and hug my knees to my chest.

I sniffed a little bit. 

"I-I waited for you. You said you'd come back!"

He squatted down to my level and then, said in a quiet voice, "I.. Was scared."

I looked up at him and rubbed my eyes. 


He sat down cross-legged on the other side of me with his head down.

"I.. Was afraid.. I was petrified," he started to sing.

I rolled my eyes and then pulled on his hair. 

"Don't sing. It's annoying," I muttered, looking away.

He smiled slightly. 

"I knew you probably had forgotten about me.. As you grew-" my eyes widened.

"I never did!"

He nodded. 

"-I thought, you had forgotten as you grew, and so, when I came back here in 6th grade, I visited you. Don't you remember?"

My eyes widened and then I looked down.

He gave out a humorless laugh. 

"Yeah, you remembered. Well, you said that you didn't know me, and then, you screamed at me and called me a creep."

I giggled and he glared at me. I nervously cleared my throat and then nodded, gesturing him to continue.

"I.. Was scared of rejection, so when I attended middle school with you, I started getting attention and ignored you. I never spoke to you nor did I get the chance to greet you. You were always alone, and that made me feel angry," he scoffed and ruffled his hair, "I wanted to be with you, but I knew that all the other kids would hate you. So I chose to keep my distance.. For your sake, because I-"

"Love you?" I asked teasingly and I received a slight glare.

"Well, yeah, I kinda do, but what I meant to say was because I cared for you."

"Wow. That sounds like a love confession."

"I just told you I kinda loved you, didn't I?"

I blushed at that, and then lightly punched his shoulder.

"If you knew, why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked with a sneer an folded my arms.

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