Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

hey!!! I BOUGHT A NEW 1D JACKET!! :3 heheheh.... 

suck it Angel!!! okay that sounded weird >< Anyway wont keep you from reading!!! byebye!!

Fly and love OREOS!! 

stracey <3


"Did you bring tampons? Or.. Those sucking up blood things?" Daniel cringed, "Urgh, or whatever those things were called."

I blushed and whacked him in the head. 

"Why in the hell are you asking me these things!?" I hissed, crossing my arms, "I think it's going to stop today. It usually lasts 3 days and a half for me."

Daniel raised a brow. 

"What? What's going to stop today?" he asked.

I glared at him and looked away towards the window, silently cursing.

"S-Sorry," he mumbled quietly.

I hesitantly looked towards him and found him with furrowed brows and a confused expression on his face. How cute.

"It's alright. Just don't ask me anymore weird questions, okay?" I unfolded my arms.

"O-Okay," he pouted.

We were in a bus that was going to take us to Manhattan, and the bus wasn't even moving yet but I could already feel myself getting sick.

I hated traveling.

I stretched out and 'accidentally' knocked his face.

"HEY! What was that for!?" he shreiked, rubbing his nose.

"I just needed a little revenge, that's all," I inwardly smirked as he started whimpering like a little dog.

He turned towards me with big, teary eyes and glared, "aren't you going to say sorry?"

I raised a brow and pressed my lips together, "Sorry."

Suddenly, this stupid kid mashed his face to my cheek and started to rub it with his own face, making me feel disgusted at the gesture.

"Eugh! Gross! What the fuck are you doing, Daniel!?" I screamed and tried shoving his face away.

"Don't worry, my Honeybunch Heather, I forgive you," he looked like some kind of duck at this point with his lips pouted like a number 3, "I wuuv yo- UHK!"

I laughed as my fist collided with his stomach, making him gasp and hiss. 

"That's what you get for rubbing your eiffin face with mine," I growled, though I could feel laughter rising from my chest as I watched him stare at me with fear.

"You know, you're karma today," he pouted.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion, "What? That doesn't make sense to me. The hell do you mean?"

He shrugged, "you know, Karma's a bitch. So if you're karma, you're a bit- OW! Now that is precisely why I called you Karma and not a bitch!" he whined like a puppy after receiving my aftermath.

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