My Magic Box By Freddie hill

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I will put in the Box

The warm loving whispers of a great grandpa,
A bucket seat from a Bugatti beating car,
The screaming engine of a cater ham 7,
And The small warm hands punching the black rubbery bumper of a MGB.

I will put in the box
The lining up of toy cars on the white slippery spoiler of a ford cosworth,
And The tip of a drumstick touching a drum,
I will put in my box
The cold, icy snowball on a cold winters day,
And The smoky smelling candles on a frosty Christmas morning.

My box will be fashioned from the curtains of a west end stage.
The hinges will be crafted from the mechanisms of an assassins hidden blade.
And The inside walls will be made from the northern lights.
The handles will be structured from Christmas wishes and the Great in Great Britain.

I will dance in my box on the west end stage and I will sled in my box of the snow covered glaciers and over the mountains to the gateway of the good life.

My Magic box by Freddie Hill

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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