10k readers gift - extra scene

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Hello there! I'm gonna keep my intervention really short, don't worry. This is just to say thank you for your continuous support of my work. It means a lot to me. So enjoy ;)


Internally rolling his eyes at the noise, Jace grunted. "Just come to bed." He mumbled drowsily, talking to whomever was trying to discreetly make their way around the room. Then the blond furrowed his brows. Hold on, who was it? He'd broken up with Clary a while ago. Alec didn't make any noise, just tugged the covers. And Izzy was unapologetically loud. So who the hell was it that was making his floor creak so unpleasantly by trying to walk on their tiptoes? As the blond raked his mind to remember the potential date he'd brought home, the bed dipped next to him. And before Jace could protest an arm was wrapping around his middle. Sighing contently at the familiarity, the blond's worries seemed to naturally fade away. "Nooo..." Jace whined as cold feet were pressed against his own. The familiar giggle that came from the person hugging him made him still. Jace's eyes widened, lips parting as he realized who it was. "Simon?" He whispered out, a little out of breath and a lot hopeful.

"It's not Wiggles anymore?" The voice asked teasingly, before pressing a kiss to Jace's bare shoulder.

The blond's heart lept in his ribcage, the gentleness of the contact almost overwhelming. "Wiggles?" Jace tentatively tried, earning himself a chuckle, Simon's hot breath against his skin was enough to bring heat to his cheeks.

"Don't ask me. You always call me that when you're drunk." Simon replied, his hands sliding up to rest atop of Jace's heart.

"I'm not drunk." The blond weakly argued, taking his interlocutor's hand in his and intertwining their fingers.

"Well, I'm drunk." Simon spoke, pressing himself closer to the blond as a content smile settled on his features. "Drunk in love." He finished.

"By the angel..." Jace sank his teeth in his bottom lip, trying to hold in his laughter. "That was horrible." He said, lightly clearing his throat.

"But you love me?" The tone made the blond furrowed his brows. Simon sounded so raw and scared, so doubting. How could he not know? How could he not see?

"Yes, of course I—" Jace huffed as a pillow was thrown at his face. The blond snarled, sitting up on his bed. "Seriously Alec?!" He asked, glaring at his brother.

"Jace, it's SUNDAY! Turn off your damn alarm clock!" The tall brunet exasperatedly berated. Grunting, the blond fell back onto his bed, cursing his habit of going for a jog at 7 a.m. Frustratedly, Jace smacked the button of the offensive device resting on his bedside table.


"Simon, it's already nine." A male voice said, gently shaking his shoulder. But it was the weekend. And Simon didn't leave the warmth of his bed before eleven during the weekend. "Come on, sleepy head." He heard the same gentle voice say, as nimble fingers tangled in his hair. "Babe." That darn nickname. That particular moniker who could always make his heart flutter when said by the right voice. Still, Simon didn't budge, wanting to remain in this drowsy state for as long as possible, enjoying the sensation. "I know you're aware Si."

"Am not." Simon weakly argued.

"Shame." The voice replied, before pressing a cheeky kiss to the right corner of his lips.

Stubbornly keeping his eyes shut, Simon reached out for the ridiculously tight white shirt he knew was hugging the frame of his interlocutor. He'd seen that shirt so often that he could easily picture it, perhaps even draw it from memory alone. Or at the very least give enough detail to Clary for her to reproduce it perfectly. Hearing a chuckle above him, Simon tugged mercilessly, knowing the blond of his dreams would very much lean down for their lips to meet. The body weight atop of him felt familiar, and safe. So the brunet smiled against the lips that met his own, before pliantly parting them to let his partner further the exploration. The kiss was languid, but heated. In ways kisses between lovers who've already mapped each other's mouth is. In ways kisses between lovers who had no haste and an infinity of time is. In ways that should be uncharted territories to Simon but felt right. The kind of kiss that leaves your lips puffy but eager for more. Sadly it ended, the both of them needing to breathe.

"One day I'll rip that shirt off of you." Simon whispered, panting slightly.

Rubbing his nose against Simon's, his partner. "One day, maybe." He conceded. "But for now, what are you planning to do about it?" He inquired raising a defiant eyebrow. Simon tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip, as his hands instinctively lowered to the hem of the shirt. Deliberately slow, he slid them up to graze the strong muscles underneath the offending piece of fabric.

But what should have been ridiculously firm arms felt oddly soft. Soft and... fluffy. Heaving a sigh, Simon blinked a few times, gone was the state of drowsiness he was in. Hello complete consciousness and lonesome reality.

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