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junhui woke up the next morning and saw his phone was dead, he looked over at his clock and realized he was running late, he did his morning routine as fast as he could and headed quickly to school

their break time was junhui's favorite part of the day because he got to see his friends, he waited anxiously to go eat and talk with the others

after what seemed to be years, it was finally time for lunch so he left happily towards the cafeteria

when he got there, his friends were already sitting in their usual place, they greeted him and he noticed soonyoung and chan were sitting on the same side of the table

it was weird because soonyoung usually sat beside him, he sat beside minghao with a confused look

soonyoung looked eager to sign them something because he was playing with his hands as he usually did when he was happy and/or excited

"hey guys, today i'm having a sleepover at my house so tell your parents that you won't be sleeping home tonight" soonyoung signed happily

he scanned their reactions and then continued "i know we've been seeing each other a lot lately but chan and i started something called operation junhao and we're planning on speeding up your relationship since you guys are so shy around each other"

"really? operation junhao, what's that supposed to mean? our names combined?" junhui laughed

"actually i think it's kind of cute" minghao signed without making eye contact with him

soonyoung and chan looked happy "you see? minghao approves, don't be boring, oh, and tonight we won't let you guys sleep unless you're cuddling" chan signed

junhui laughed clearly flustered while looking at minghao who had the same face, they continued joking around until it was time to go back to class

okay, so originally i planned this story to be more angsty, because of minghao's past but i actually started liking how soft this is so i'm just going to leave it this way!! but since i threw away all the angst this story is now going to be much shorter:( as always, thank you for reading<3

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