pt. 2!!

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school was over and he was ready to go home, what he didn't expect was to see jihoon sitting in a classroom all alone as he was about to leave school, the younger was just sitting there with his books as if he was waiting for someone, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous and immediately started imagining all kinds of scenarios, was jihoon dating someone? was he just casually meeting someone and doing it? AT SCHOOL? he pouted and bit his lip

"i shouldn't" he thought "oh what the hell"

he opened the door making jihoon slightly jump in surprise and gasp softly, he positioned himself back in his seat and gulped "what are you doing here?" he asked

soonyoung scratched the back of his neck "i was just passing by and saw you sitting here, i was curious so i came inside, what are you doing here?" he asked

jihoon took a deep breath and exhaled loudly "i have detention, it was a tough day" he said

soonyoung made a confused face "but what are you doing here?" he asked

"i told you i have detention" jihoon said feeling annoyed, soonyoung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and slightly smiled "yeah, but detention is just once a week, every monday, you have to wait until next week to stay" he said

jihoon parted his lips and let out a tiny "oh" in surprise, he proceeded to look away in embarrassment "i- i didn't know that" he said

"is this the first time you have ever gotten detention?" soonyoung asked with a cute voice

"shut up" jihoon rolled his eyes

"then you must've done something you don't usually do, what was it?" soonyoung asked

"i won't tell you" the younger said, he wanted to stop the conversation, it was already too long, he had to get out of that classroom

"oh come on, please tell meeee" soonyoung pouted playfully and acted cutely while looking at him with begging eyes

jihoon decided to give himself a break, he would allow himself to speak to the other just for one day, but no more

"okay, you win, i've been daydreaming a lot about y- stuff so i easily get distracted, this morning i got into a fight with my dad and was thinking about it in class, when the teacher called my name i accidentally said fuck off so she gave me detention" jihoon confessed

"wow, that sounds rough, i hope things get better with your dad" soonyoung said seriously

"yeah, we got into a fight again because of you" he said accidentally, he didn't know why he had just confessed that, it was like he couldn't stop himself from speaking

"what?" soonyoung asked worryingly

"it's a long story, he has been mad since the moment i told him that you were my soulmate, he was just disappointed that his son had a soulmate that was- you know, a guy, so now we get into fights for the dumbest reasons, he's pretty violent but he never hits me too hard to leave bruises that last longer than a week, i guess he just has some anger management issues" he said before chuckling sadly

soonyoung wasn't sure on what to say, jihoon had never actually told him anything personal so he was pretty shocked "i'm sorry if this sounds rude but he doesn't deserve to be around you if he treats you like that for such a dumb reason, you don't get to pick your soulmate and it's just something really dumb if you ask me"

jihoon was also shocked, the older was always goofy and laughing around, he had never seen him that serious "don't worry, he's moving out soon, my mom already filled in a restriction order, i guess that's what happens when you marry someone that's not your soulmate" he said

soonyoung didn't know that jihoon wasn't soulmate born, it was very rare and people that weren't born from a soulmate couple tended to be very insecure and nervous all the time since they had problems at home, he nodded and they were both quiet for a moment

"is that why you avoid me?" soonyoung asked hesitantly

jihoon felt a pang in his chest, he hated that he made the other feel bad "no soonyoung, it's not like that, it's just that i-" he was going to say the truth, he really wanted to, but he just couldn't

"i want to concentrate in my studies and it would really distracting to have a boyfriend, we're soulmates, eventually we'll end up together, don't worry" he said

soonyoung nodded with a sad smile that always made jihoon feel like the worst person ever

the older decided to make small talk to ignore the fact that that was the 7th time he was rejected by jihoon, yes, he had been counting them

"what's your favorite food?" he asked

jihoon answered the question with a smile and they both started talking, they talked and talked until they realized they could barely see, the sun was almost completely gone

"i think we should go" jihoon said and stood up

soonyoung whined but stood up too say "yeah, i guess"

already outside the school, they were about to part separate ways to go home, as usual, the older patted his head cutely making jihoon smile a little while staring into his eyes, he stood on his tiptoes and

"what are you-" but before soonyoung could finish asking, jihoon had already pecked his cheek

the younger turned around quickly and walked away without turning back, soonyoung was frozen on the spot, he took a hand to his cheek and touched it, a few seconds later he started screeching and fell to the floor in delight

as jihoon walked away he could hear the other celebrating which made him smile cutely

thank you for reading!

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