40# what a shame

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(Song for this chapter is what a shame by leyla blue)

No one's POV

Tzuyu said nothing but gets down from back seat and simply sits in front seat.

she is behaving like she is a controlled  robot,there is no spirits in her.

jungook also sits on driving seat and runs the car without using single words.

For sometimes both party remains silent.Tzuyu holds her wishbone necklace tightly to reduces her anxiety.

Jungook just keep staring at her in between his driving.

"So,long time no see Chou tzuyu?"

Jungook smirks as usual just to hide his true feelings.He is just afraid she will surely know his true feelings.

"Have you been good?"

In last question jungook's voice seems sad.

"Did you miss me??"

jungook just muttered those last words on his own.

"Yeah. I have been busy as hell."

Tzuyu answers looking outside through the window.

She is making circles on the glass to avoid his gaze.

She is just praying that this road will end soon. she doesn't want be alone with him for a second.

"How have you been?"

Tzuyu asks jungook looking back at him suddenly.

"I was doing great. You know.."

jungook tried to clear his throats.

"I was hella missing you ! It was very difficult to live without seeing you all those years.and it is very difficult to behave there's nothing after seeing you all those years."

Both are thinking the same at the same time.

But they didn't spit those words.and Both remain silent for the time being.

Tzuyu is watching outside scenario thorough the car window and jungook is attentively driving.And on music player leyla blue is starts singing what a shame ..

Jungook just looks at her while hearing the lyrics. And tzuyu is so busy focusing on outside,it takes few moments for her to understand what song is playing right now.

But it's too late!!

Tzuyu's cheeks became red realising it is playing on her phone.She hurriedly starts to search her phone. But it was on back seat.

And leyla blue  is singing..

You know that they all look the same
And talk like

"Take my picture, wait redo"
"Might delete it, I felt kinda cute"

Guess I'll never understand the thinking of a man
The only thing that's left to say

What a shame, baby,what a shame

Could been with me instead of what's-her-fucking-name?

Jungook just starts to laugh loudly and said tzuyu,

"let it be.It reminds me something."

Tzuyu feels like making a hole and burry herself inside of it.but also an anger is rising inside of her.

She just can't tolerate his laughter.how can he laugh like that after he treated her like shits 7 years ago?

He was just using her for his enjoyment.But he didn't even bother to say sorry to her properly.

In those days,she just missed him so badly that she couldn't think of anything else.But now when he is infront of her, laughing like this! She just can't help but thinks to kill him right here right now!!

Her face became stiff in anger.She just can't tolerate him.

" Asshole!" She thinks to herself.

They again remain silent but sometimes tzuyu looks to jungook and sometimes jungook does the same.And their eyes meet.But basically tzuyu is glaring at him.

"You didn't change a bit." After sometimes jungook said to Tzuyu.

"How??" Tzuyu asks directly looking into his eyes.

"What do you think? I will hug you and sheds some tears for you?"

"You are the same fucking Jeon Jungook for me what you were 7 years before! You asshole!"

Tzuyu thinks it and grits her teeth!

But she is thinking anything else. She won't Make it obvious that she is angry with him.then she can easily get revenge for what he did then.

So she controls her anger and tries to be normal.

"I don't know how,but you are still the kid I saw 7 years before.How about your life apart from being a doctor?"

"It's good. But i don't get enough time to think about my personal life.You know there is no schedule or time for all those."

Tzuyu smiles a little like old days.

with that smile of her,jungook feels like melted.

Again.after all those year.this fact didn't change a bit that this girl infront of him,can kill him with a llittle smile of her.

"You are looking beautiful." Jungook whispers those words to himself as if he says it loudly she will be disappear.

"How's your life going on?" Tzuyu casually asks those questions to him.

"Uhm. Nothing has changed.As usual, study then works.. works and business and all.You know. Planning to settle down here."

"When did you come back?" Tzuyu asks again. Cause she don't want to be in a awkward position.

"Wow! Juwi.You are so desperate to know all the details about me?"

Getting back in his old self Jungook smirks.

"You didn't change a bit! You fucking jeon jungook.Tzuyu fakes sighs and rolls her eyes."

And both start to laughs at the same time.

"Let's go have some coffee." Jungook said and drives the car backward.

"Whe..where are you going??" Tzuyu seems shocked with his sudden behaviour.

"To grab some coffee." Jungook shows her his famous toothy grin and tzuyu stops breathing unknowingly.but she doesn't like this feelings at all.

He is wearing a black shirt along with a black jeans.His sleeves are half folded and his vain of his hand can be visible sometimes from other car's light.

"Wow! He got tattoo?" looking at his hand tzuyu thought to herself.

His hair style seems different from past.And with all black,tattoos he just looks like a demon god.

Despite of having all those grudges she holds against him,thousands of butterfly starts to fly inside of her tummy just like old days.She feels so weak just to look at him.

Looking at him sneakily tzuyu again pinches her arm to check again whether she is dreaming or not.

"If he will vanish instantly?"  I hope he is real, then I can get revenge.She thinks to herself.

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