"Surprise!" Pt. 5

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-Monday (2 months later)

    Luna and I had been dating for a full month now. It actually wasn't too bad, besides the fact that she's really needy and clingy, she's a great person and I'm glad to have her as my girlfriend. Within the first couple weeks that we had been dating, I was still thinking about Henrik a lot, but I pushed those thoughts away well enough that I would go days without thinking of him at a time. Luna actually wanted to move into my apartment but I was very hesitant at first. Eventually, I said yes because I knew she was only down here for the summer. We've been living together for about 2 weeks now and it's pretty nice to not be alone all the time now.

     I was sitting at my table eating breakfast when Luna walked over and sat across from me. I glanced at her and flashed a soft smile then took a bite of my french toast, "Hey, beautiful." I said softly and continued eating.

      She chuckled and started drinking her coffee. "How'd you sleep?" She asked while looking down at her food.

      "Good, you?"

      "Good," she replied shortly then met my eyes once more. "I have a question."

      Now she really had my full attention. When she said that I immediately thought that it was something bad, that she was going to broke up with me or something. My nerves were already all over the place and I motioned for her to continue.

      "Okay so, I know we haven't been dating for too long but my family has this tradition every year. It's actually why I'm down here visiting. Every summer, my cousins, aunts and uncles, and my parents go to stay at my grandma's beach house for a couple weeks and we do a bunch of cool activities. I would really like it if you came, the only thing is I know how much you like being in a familiar place and it's kind of far from here..." Luna explained, making me ease up a bit.

     I let out a sigh of relief, it sounded pretty fun. She was right though, I wasn't a huge fan of being in unfamiliar areas with people I didn't trust, but it was her- so I guess it was fine. It'd be kind of awkward though, considering I wouldn't know anyone there besides her. "Yeah, Luna. I'd love to go. I'm really glad you asked me." I said and smiled, and her smile was priceless.


      It had been a very long day of packing bags and driving, but I could finally smell the salt water in the air, and before I knew it, I was pulling into a nice, long driveway that led up to a huge beach house. I'm not going to lie, I was a little nervous meeting Luna's family, but to be honest, I didn't see me and Luna being together for a long time. It's almost like a temporary relationship to me because shes only visiting up here and then she'll have to leave again. As to what she thinks about that, I have no idea.

      Once we parked, I got out of the car, opened the trunk and Luna and I brought our bags up front. My body was already feeling tense before she rung the doorbell. The door was opened and they went straight to hug Luna. "Hi, mom and dad!" She exclaimed and hugged them tightly.

       After their reunion, they looked at me and pulled me into a hug as well. I could already tell they were very friendly people. "And you must be Tarjei, who we've heard so much about!" Luna's mom said as she pulled back.

      I smiled, "That's right. It's nice to finally meet you guys." I said. After the entire introduction, Luna's parents welcomed us inside and showed us to each other's rooms. Her dad helped me with the bags and we brought them upstairs. Once I was finally inside, I was shocked at how nice my room was. There was a balcony that you could see the beach from, everything was modern bright. It looked like a luxury hotel.

      "Now, you will be sharing a room with Luna's cousin. You'll meet him later, don't worry- he's very friendly. Me and her mother- we um, we know how those relationships are, and just being fatherly, we decided that you guys wouldn't be sharing a room, so I- uh, hope that's alright." Luna's dad explained almost cautiously.

      I nodded, "Of course, it's no problem."

       Once Luna's dad left, I began to unpack and put my clothes into the empty drawers. I felt like these next couple weeks might be better than I expected. I walked outside and onto the balcony when I finished unpacking. I hadn't been to the beach in forever. Where I live, there's none near, and I rarely get out of the area. I watched the surfers riding waves and kids making sand castles. I couldn't wait to get down there and feel the ocean water and warm sand.

       My thoughts were interrupted when Luna came into the room. She met me on the balcony with a warm smile and gave me a quick kiss. The thing about Luna is whenever we had a 'romantic moment' as one might say, like a deep conversation or a make out session, I don't feel anything like I did with- "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She said and looked forward to admire the ocean's beauty, mirroring my actions.

       "Your grandmas house is absolutely amazing... i couldn't even imagine living here." I said softly, still staring out into the distance.

      She chuckled, "Right? Hey, come downstairs, will you? My cousin and his girlfriend are here. I want you to meet them.

      I didn't want to leave yet, but i just agreed and headed downstairs with her. As we were walking downstairs, I could hear a female voice overlapping what sounded like Luna's dads voice. It sounded so familiar, but due to her dads voice I couldn't quite hear it clearly; but once we made it downstairs and I saw who it was, there was no doubt about the fact that I knew that voice.

       "Surprise!" Luna said and walked over to the tall, blonde boy who was standing next to his girlfriend. "My cousin is your on screen boyfriend. Geez, you have no idea how hard it was to keep that from you for so long."

      My whole entire body felt frozen as i stared at Henrik and Lea. They both looked just as shocked as I was. My fists were clenched and I had no idea what to say, I was scared that if I tried to speak that nothing would come out. This couldn't be any worse. I felt as if I was going insane. How the hell did Luna turn out to be Henrik's cousin?!

      "Tarjei, you're dating my cousin?" Henrik said, and though he tried his best to hide it, I heard a glimpse of hurt in his tone. He tried to force a happy attitude, but was definitely struggling. I wasn't even trying to fake anything, my uncomfortable and shocked expression said enough.

      "Tarjei had no idea," Luna laughed, "Which is surprising considering everyone says Henrik and I could be twins. He never even mentioned how much we look alike, but yeah- I wanted to surprise you two since you haven't seen each other since SKAM ended."

      I just stood there, stiff and silent. Lea didn't say a word, she just eyed me the entire time as if she was plotting my death or something.

      How come as soon as something good happens to me, Henrik pops into it and brings me down again?

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