"Layers" Pt. 8

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Once I finished my shower, I stepped outside into the room. Henrik was on his laptop watching some random YouTube video as I walked over to my dresser. I searched through my drawers for a pair of boxers. I changed into my boxers in the bathroom because I was insecure about my body and didn't want Henrik to see and think badly about it. I came back out and his laptop was shut and still sitting in his lap, but his eyes were looking me up and down.

I glared at him as I used a towel to dry my hair, "What? I know I'm sexy but you don't have to keep staring." I said clearly being sarcastic and held back a grin, but his expression stayed serious.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, Tar." Henrik practically whispered, his voice barely audible. My breath hitched in my throat, not just at his words but the name that I hadn't heard him call me Tar in so long.

Instead of replying, I just awkwardly walked over to the bed we shared in my blue and white striped boxers and climbed in under the blanket. His gaze followed me the entire way over and as I got comfortable, he set his laptop aside on the nightstand. He shifted in bed so that he was laying on his side facing me. I was on my back, half sitting up and half laying down in a sort of slouched position. I tried to avoid eye contact.

"We never got to finish that conversation earlier." He said quietly. It was hard to continue looking straight forward when he spoke, but I couldn't meet his gaze yet. "So, you're scared, of what?"

I gave him a look, like a 'you're not going to give up until I tell you, aren't you?' look. He just smirked in amusement, "I'm scared of you." I said in a playful tone, though that statement was definitely true.

"Why?" He asked, I could tell he was really trying to get through to me, but I didn't feel like having this conversation right now.

I was silent for a moment, then turned on my side as well so that my back was facing him. "Just go to sleep, Henrik."


I opened my eyes to a bright, white line shining in my eyes that caused me to squint. The light came from between two long, white curtains and in between was the far ocean. It was such a beautiful sight to wake up to, then i realized- speaking of beautiful sights to wake up to, where was Henrik? He wasn't in bed. My eyes scanned the room but I was still half-asleep, trying to end the aftermath of my deep slumber.

Then the bathroom door was opened and my body relaxed in relief when I saw the tall blonde. He looked at me and smiled, "Good morning," Henrik said. His voice was low and raspy, like he hadn't woken up too long ago either. "Didn't realize you were awake." And this is when he let out a light, heavenly chuckle- literally, it was music to my ears. My cheeks burned up.

"Morning, I just woke up." I replied, also with a low and scratchy tone. I laughed a little, "What time is it?"

Henrik jumped on his side of the bed causing me to almost fall. He pulled his phone out and stared at it for a second, "Uh...let me check-it's eight. Hey, they made breakfast, let's go eat." He got up out of bed and motioned for me to follow.

      I groaned and stretched my arms as I saw Henrik leave the room. I wasn't even ready, so I quickly got up, threw on a random shirt and sweats then brushed my teeth. I could care less about my hair, it looked the same no matter what unless I put gel in it which, I rarely ever did.

      I made my way downstairs where I could hear my girlfriends voice overlapping others. When I saw her, she smiled at me and pulled me into a hug, kissing me softly on the cheek. "Morning, how'd you sleep?" She asked, letting her arms hang around my neck.

     "I slept good," I said, planting a kiss on her lips and smiling, "And you?"

     "No kissing while we're trying to eat," Luna's aunt joked and we awkwardly pulled apart with rosy cheeks. My eyes found their way to Henrik who was eating next to Lea as he watched me.

      I looked down, "Go get some food, there's pancakes." Luna said and pointed over to the counter. I walked over and grabbed myself some food. Luna sat down next to Henrik and I sat down next to her, thankful that I didn't have to sit between my girlfriend and the guy I was falling for all over again. "My friend's having a party near here tonight. I was thinking maybe us four could go." She suggested, referring to Henrik, Lea and I. 

      The last thing I felt like doing was going to a party, but for Luna's sake, I'd go just this once.

      After breakfast, Henrik sort of disappeared for the day. I assumed that he had been 'spending time' with Lea while the rest of the family played board games downstairs. I didn't see him at all until later that night when we were getting ready for the party.

      I hadn't spoken to him either since that morning. It was cold tonight, so I threw on a white T-shirt and a grey hoodie over it that the collar of my shirt still peeked out at my neck, then to top it off, I slide into a navy blue jacket over my hoodie. I put on some shoes and began fixing my hair in the mirror. As i debated on wearing a hat, Henrik walked in. I spared him one short glance but didn't say anything. I could feel his eyes on me, scanning me up and down as if i was some sort of prey.

      "You look nice." He said and starting fixing his hair as well. I looked at him through the mirror with a gaped mouth as I watched him wet his hands under the faucet and run them through his air. He sucked in a sharp breath and took me in with his eyes. My eyebrows furrowed in  confusion when he put both his hands on my shoulders and patted my jacket down. "I like when you wear layers."

      Unsure of how to respond to that, I just stood there awkwardly and mumbled, "Uh-... okay..."

      "Meet us in the car." He said and left without further contact.

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