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Robbie is a sophomore at Sutherland high. He was bullied at a young age because he dressed differently than he was 'supposed to' and when he googled what was wrong with him he found the word transgender. He came out as trans not long after at the age of 10. By the time he was in middle school he was seen as a boy by pretty much everyone and that was just life. He came out as bisexual when he was 13 which was hard for him because in theory he could look at a girl and think that she was pretty, and he could look at a boy and think that he was handsome, but in reality he had never kissed anyone and has only ever caught him self having a crush on someone once. That poor soul was Kosta McNiel. He has had a crush on this athletic, tall, muscular basketball player since the fifth grade but has never said any thing about it. Being the local emo kid meant that he might never.

Kosta is a sophomore at Sutherland high. He hasn't had many external social issues but since he was about 13 he has had some intense internal debate about his life. His Christian parents had always told him to follow every rule in the bible, which was absurd because the bible says that you can't wear mixed fabrics, you can't get haircuts, you can't eat a lot of pork, no changing your body ( tattoos, surgeries, etc.), and finally: no gays. This was perfectly fine for Kosta, for the first 13 years of his life but in the fifth grade he met a boy named Robbie. His first impression of Robbie was that he looked like his other classmate Rebecca but with all new hair and clothes. He also noticed that Rebecca wasn't at school after the spring break but no one liked her so it's okay that she left. He never payed much attention to this new kid until grade 8 when Robbie came out as bisexual to the class. His announcement was nothing special really, just him getting up in front of class and saying that he was bi. No big deal, right? Wrong. Kosta sat in the front row in this class so he could see Robbie perfectly for the first time in years. He fell in love on the spot. He kept quiet about the whole crush situation because he had to, how could he tell him? He was the giraffe-like basketball star and Robbie was the cute, quiet introverted dude who could almost always be found in the school garden listening to Panic! At The Disco.

Daniel Blockett has won the unofficial father of the year award 16 years in a row! Always nominated by his number one supporter Robbie! He has a kind soul and will help anyone and everyone who needs help.

Elliot is a sophomore at Sutherland high. He spends most of his free time either watching his classmates play basketball or playing league of legends at home. In the fifth grade Elliot saw his classmate Rebecca looking terrified even though she had been with these classmates for years. He noticed that she got a haircut and was wearing new clothes but otherwise seemed physically fine. When he went to go talk to her all she said was "I'm not Rebecca anymore, I'm Robbie now." and just walked away silently. Since then nobody really talked to Robbie so Elliot made it his mission so become his friend. Fast forward 6 years and Robbie was the local emo kid, always listening to Fall Out Boy but they still talked everyday after lunch was over.

Tanner is a junior at Sutherland high. He is by far the best basketball player in the whole school but usually just refs  because no one else wants to. Tanner didn't ref almost every game out of the kindness of his heart, no no no, he does it because he likes to yell at people and this is the only way that he can do that without being suspended. He doesn't care about the other people around him  unless they do something to make him hate them, like when a basketball player decides that he can just go off and hang out with just anyone. The players are limited to other players and cheerleaders only. If a basketball player befriended a non-basketball player then they still had a chance to stay cool but if they dated any girl other than a cheerleader then they would be kicked off the team and lose all social power.

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