Chapter 8

17 2 0

September 4th 2017

It's my first day of junior year and things will be different now. Last year I was fully in the closet, and I would sneak away to the garden every Monday to have dates with Robbie. Now I get to be with Robbie whenever I want to, but not at school.

The day goes by pretty fast due to the lack of work and we're at the end of day 'check in' and I have something to say for once.
"Hi! You all remember me, and if you don't, screw you! This summer has been wild but one thing good came out of it! I'm finally dating someone!"
All of the boys cheer for me until Danny shushes them and asks: "Which hot cheerleader did you get?"
"Well... he's not a cheerleader, but..."
"Ha! I knew it! You ARE dating Robbie!" The tall guy in the back yells, I think his name is Elliot? I dunno but he's Robbie's friend.
"End of meeting?" Danny says, obviously confused.

Me and Kosta are leaving school holding hands for the first time ever and it feels amazing. We leave with no problems until we get to the basketball court.
"Hey FAGS!" Tanner yells at us, ignoring the game he's supposed to be playing.
"What do you want Tanner?" I reply.
"I just want Kosta to know that's he's off the team!"
"Hey man, can we go talk about this? Preferably somewhere that's not in the middle of your game?" I don't know why Kosta is trying to reason with the fuck-wad.
"Fine. Behind the school. Now."
This is sounding kinda sketchy but okay.
"Should I go?" Whispered Kosta.
"Yeah, if it's a trap I can text Elliot, he can help us," I fucking hope I'm right about this.

There are three basketball players waiting for us behind the school when we get there. I don't know their names but they're probably here to discuss Kosta's position on the team.

Or not.

As soon as we get here Kosta is pinned to the hard brick of the school building.
"FUCKIN FAG!" Tanner yells as he punches Kosta square in the face, making his head slam against the wall and leaving him with a bloody nose.


"No!" I scream, shoving Tanner off of Kosta with all of my strength. One of the other guys hits me in the head, throwing me off balance and giving Tanner the opportunity to punch me in the side hard enough to send to the ground.


Tanner's attention is back to kosta now, another punch to the face, this time with more power than before. Kosta is now passed out on the ground and the guys are kicking him around.


Elliot. I need Elliot. I pull out my phone and open messages.

Robbie: help
Elliot: what?
What do you need help with?
Where are you?

I'm halfway through telling him where I am when one of the guys see me and kick my phone out of my hands. After my phone is gone he kicks me in the face a few more times.

My head... I can't take this... my eyesight is slowly fading... am I dying?


What in the actual fuck is going on. Robbie just texted me the weirdest shit.

Elliot: ??
What do you need help with?
Where are you?
Robbie is typing...

He's been typing for the last 5 minutes which means he's either having an INTENSE mental breakdown or he's in serious danger.

I'm looking all over the school for him but he's not in the library or the garden. He's not watching a basketball game or the nurses office. There's only one more logical place he could be: behind the school. Behind the school is where all of the low key illegal stuff happens, and it's great for that, no windows, out of the way, quiet.

Holy shit.

He's here and so is Kosta. They're both passed out on the hard ground covered in blood and shoe prints.  Robbie's phone is laying about 10-15 feet away from him, completely smashed. First I check on Kosta, who is looking way worse.
"Kosta! Hey! Please wake up!" I whisper as I try to slap him awake. He just barely opens his eyes, but he opens them. Thank god.
"Shh, it's okay man, im gonna get Robs and get you to Melanie, okay?" He doesn't answer, probably because his head hurts too much.

Next I go to Robbie who is bleeding less but he has muddy shoe prints on his side so he probably has a lot of bruises. He's 5'2" and 90 lbs so it's not too hard to carry him to the nurses office.
Luckily the nurses office is close too the front door of the building so we get there fast.
"Oh my god! What on earth happened to you guys?" Melanie exclaims as soon as she sees us walk in the door.
"I can tell you what I know later, just do your fucking job!" I set Robbie down on the bed and Kosta sits down on the bench.

After around 5-10 minutes of Melanie dealing with Kosta, me waiting anxiously next to Robbie, and Robbie's dad on his way, Robbie wakes up.
"What the fuck? Did I just fucking die?"
"No, no, you're not dead! Just a bit bruised!" I assure him.
"Fuck, is Kosta okay?"
"He'll be alright, I promise," Melanie told him. "When I was checking your side I noticed that you have something around your ribs that might be causing extra pain,"
"Oh, that's my chest binder, it's not coming off, so don't bother trying to make me."

Robbie's dad picked up both of them to go to the hospital soon after and I go home myself. What a first fucking day of school, I wonder what the rest of the year will be like?"

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