Chapter 7

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June 1st 2017

Robbie's dad is the only adult that I can be open about my sexuality with at the moment and that has been slowly eating away at me lately. I need my parents to know. They deserve to know.
So, here I am, sitting on my bed at 2:00 am with Robbie brainstorming ways I could tell them.

- write 'I'm gay' on the bottom of a coffee mug
- write a letter and leave for them to read while you're away
- literally walk out of the closet
- bake a rainbow cake
- casually have a pride flag on your wall and don't say anything until they notice
- write gay on a name tag and wear it around the house
- spell it out with cereal

"These are all great ideas but you could just say it to their faces," Robbie said.
"No! I would-" I'm cut off by the soft touch of his lips against mine.
"What if I'm there with you?" He gives me puppy dog eyes, as he speaks.
"Good. Now we need to sleep. Goodnight," He tucks himself under the covers on my bed looking exhausted.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"What? We've slept in the same bed before,"
"My parents will be able to tell that you didn't sleep on the floor," I warned.
"So? You're coming out tomorrow, right?"
"Fine. Good night,"
I hope this goes well.

"WAKE UP! BREAKFAST IS ALMOST READY!" Mom yells from the kitchen. We don't answer her, hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep.
Not. A. Chance.
She opens the door with the energy of twelve chihuahuas.
"UP! YOU NEED TO- WHY ARE YOU IN THE SAME BED!" My mom likes to yell. She's not angry, just energetic.
"It wasn't comfortable on the floor so I moved during the night," Robbie seems so calm considering our plans for today.
"Huh? What the-" I try to look surprised when I roll over to see him in the same place that he was last night.
"Oh, of course, my bad, I'm very sorry. Do you boys want waffles?"
"Yes! Thank you mrs.McNiel! Just let us get dressed and we'll be right down!"
"Okay! See you down stairs boys!" And she's gone.
"Mexican moms sure love food am I right?" I say.

The pancakes are great. Just like everything else my mom makes. Robbie is being super polite, constantly complimenting my mom and overall acting like everything's normal. "I have something to tell you," oh my god. I'm doing  this. Robbie almost chokes on his orange juice when he hears me say this.
"Hm?" My dad seems worried.  There's no backing out now.
"I uh um," why won't the words leave my mouth?
"I'm gay,"

Holy fucking shit. He did it. Please let this work.
"What?" Oh no. His dad seems angry.
"I'm gay?" Kosta says with significantly less energy.
"No," now his mum is angry too. Shits 'bout to go down. This is bad.
"No?" I ask angrily. I'm not okay with this anymore.
"No. You have one hour to pack your things, after that I don't ever want to see you again," his dad adds.
He's crying, understandably. I take him back to his room which is as far away from his parents as we can get right now.
We don't say anything, I just let him sob into my shoulder for a few minutes.
"You should pack as much as you can, I'm gonna call my dad," I say, finally breaking the silence.
No response.

"Hello?" My dad answers the phone sounding like he just woke up.
"Hey, I need you to pick me up. Make sure you have lots of space in the car first,"
"What? Why? I thought you wanted to spend the whole weekend with Kosta?"
"I can explain when you get here,"
"Okay. See you soon,"
"See ya,"

"How are you?" I've been trying to comfort Kosta but I have no damn clue how I'm supposed to do that.
"Can you help me pack?" He croaks.
"Of course. My dad is gonna pick us up ASAP,"
"Thanks, how much more time do I have?"
"45 minutes,"
We don't talk anymore because I don't know what to say or how to say it. He's devastated, that's for sure. We pack up everything that we can until the door bell rings just before his time is up.
I can just barely hear his parents answer the door.

"Hi, are you mrs.McNiel?"
"Of course, you must be Robbie's father, I'll go get the boys"

She walks in and Kosta has never looked so calm, it's almost like he wants to leave, but it could just be shock.
I nod and we are out in a flash.


When I hear the yelling I realize what's going on. Robbie called saying that I needed to be here ASAP, mrs.McNiel yelling at them to leave, and now, Robbie and Kosta hurrying out with way more bags than a normal sleepover would require. Robbie opens the car door to let Kosta in and I don't bother to say goodbye to his parents.
"What's going on?" I ask Robbie, already knowing the answer but not wanting to believe it.
"They kicked him out dad! Because he's gay! Now he has no where to go,"
"Oh god... well he can stay with us until we can establish something more permanent."

June 30th 2017

It's been a month and Kosta still has nobody else to live with. The only family option was his grandmother who unfortunately is too old to take care of him on her own. Today I'm going to sit the boys down and update them on what's going on. I've kept them in the dark about it because Kosta will probably have to leave soon and I don't know if they can take that.

"What's up?" They both say at almost the exact same time, which was obviously planned. 
"Well, I've tried everything but-"
"But?" Robbie cuts me off, panic rising in his voice.
"But Kosta has no family that want him,"
"Oh! I already knew that!" Kosta says, more excited than I would have thought.
"You can't stay here forever," and continue "and I've tried talking to your parents, they don't want you back yet," I'm trying to keep this as short as possible.
"What about you?" Kosta asks
"Me? What do you mean?"
"You could adopt me! Like, legally!"
"But that would mean you're dating your stepbrother!" Robbie interrupts.
"No! It would mean my boyfriend's awesome dad adopted me!"
I never even thought of that. I could legally adopt Kosta. That might be the best way to go at this point.

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