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Lauren's POV:

After classes and my lesson with Andre,Miss Emma came into the classroom.

"Is she improving?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am. "

Why did you have to lie? I am not even serious.

"I'll leave you two to yourselves. " Miss Emma said winking at me.

As I was about leaving the classroom:

"Hi. " Andre said looking at the ground like he was shy or sorry,I could not really detect.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You wanna grab lunch?" He asked still looking at the ground.

"Are you asking me out or what?" I asked.

"Why do you always answer my question with a question?" He asked.

"Look,I'm really not in the mood to eat. " I said but my stomach rumbled and it was very obvious that I was hungry. It sounded like there was a lion roaring in there. Immediately,Andre held my hand and dragged me out of the school.

We went to a restaurant named ' Eat Your Heart Out. ' I had to hand it to the restaurant,it was a pretty cool place on the outskirt of Texas.

"Sit down. " He ordered.

"You're not the boss of me. I will sit if I want to. " I said with arms crossed.

"Okay,fine. You're free to stand like a fool while everyone in here is sitting. " He said.

I looking around and every single person was sitting, except ME. Embarrassed,I sat down quietly. Just then a waiter passed by.

"Excuse me please,I would want some lasagna. " He said.

"What about you?" The waiter asked me.

"What he said..."

"Why would you eat what I'm eating? No,eat something else. " He said.

"Lasagna's also my favorite. I'm not going to change what I'm eating because of you. "

"Please, decide what you want to eat, quickly,other customers are waiting for me. " The waiter said.

"Stay out of this!" Andre and I yelled at the waiter.

To let peace reign,I just had to order burger and fries.

"Happy now?" I asked.

"Yes,thank you. But you know I was just joking,right? If you really want the lasagna,you can take mine and give me your fries. " Andre said winking at me.

"Evil being,don't worry,I'll just stick to the fries. "

In less than five minutes,brunch was served and that was when Andre decided to do something extremely stupid. He took out his phone and called my number and he appeared shocked at what he saw.

"Are you being serious right now?" Andre asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You saved my number with swine. You're a witch. " Andre said sounding angry but was smiling at me.

"I really don't get you. No matter how close we become, you're still a swine to me. "I said.

"You keep baffling me every minute. I thought we were already friends. " He said.

" you thought because we just chatted last night,I'm going to be your friend." I asked.

"Of course,I want to know you more,I want to know why you're lazy dull,unlucky, you know. You never stop amusing me,Miss Lauren David. " He said.

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