The first meeting! (1)

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Your P.O.V

"Dad! Ive finished unpacking my things, I'm going to meet our neighbours now, later!"

Hi, I'm (F/N) (L/N) and I've just recently moved to Tokyo with my father, due to certain problems in my home town. I decided to go and meet our neighbours.

Knock knock

"Nice to meet you! My name is (F/N) (L/N) and I'm your new neighbour"
I handed over a batch of cupcakes I had made earlier today and gave the middle aged woman a wide smile.
"Oh, thank you very much! I'm Mrs Kozume, please come in!"
She opened the door widely and let me enter her house, I didn't want to seem rude so I politely thanked her and went inside.

"Kenma! We have a new neighbour, come meet her"
I sat down on a chair opposite Mrs Kozume and started to talk with her.
"What are your interests (L/N)-chan?"
"Hmmm... I like gaming, as well as sports"
"Oh that's great! My son loves gaming too, he's also in the school volleyball team!"
As Mrs Kozume said that a boy about my age, a little taller than me walked in. He had bright blonde and black hair, it reminded me of a pudding! I stood and bowed slightly.
"Nice to meet you, my name is (F/N) (L/N)"
I stood straight and looked over at him, he was on a switch playing something, wonder what it was...
"My name is Kenma Kozume, just call me Kenma"
He didn't look away from his console, but I didn't want the conversation to just end.
"So do you enjoy gaming?"
"Have you played (favourite game) before?"
I hoped he would awnser with a yes, it would be so cool if we both liked the same games!
"What? You know that game?"
I nodded with a smile then looked back at him.
"I'm playing it now"
My face lit up as I began walking towards him, wanting to see which part he was on.

I moved to stand next to him and let out a light chuckle as he missed an easy jump.
"Whats so funny?"
He looked up from his console to look at me, we made eye contact and I could feel my face heat up a little.
He had beautiful golden eyes, the shape reminded me of a cats.
"Is something wrong...?"
"Oh, n-nothing"
I'm so awkward, heh...
"Why did you laugh?"
"Sorry, it's just that jump was really simple..."
"If it's so simple, you do it then (L/N)- chan"
He handed the switch over to me as I easily did the jump for him.
I didn't mean to sound cocky or anything, but I kind of felt superior in that moment.
"Oh... well thanks..."

Kenma P.O.V

Our eyes met, I could see her face burn up a little. Her hair was a gorgeous (H/C) and she had dazzling (E/C) eyes... She was just a little shorter than me, about 5'2 probably. Her skin looked so silky and fair.
I handed over my switch, she easily made the jump then handed back my switch.
I could sense a little bit of cockyness in her voice, but she did help me so it was fine.
"Oh... well thanks..."

"I'm going to go shopping, I'll leave the lovely cupcakes (L/N)-chan made out on the table for you both. You can stay here for a while if you would like (L/N)-chan"
I noticed (L/N)-chan look over at me, as if she was asking if it was ok. I simply replied with a nod.
"Sure, and thanks alot Mrs Kozume!"
"No worrys, goodbye"
She left the house with the bags and locked the door behind Her, leaving a spare set of keys on the coffee table so (L/N)-chan could leave if she wanted.

I walked over to the sofa, connecting the switch to our tv and handed (L/N)-chan a controller.
"Want to play (L/N)-chan?"
"Ok, and also just call me (F/N)"
I nodded as she took the controller from my hand. Our hands touched and her skin was soft and warm, she looked up at me and flashed me a smile before looking back at the tv.
"Want to play (game you like)"
"Sure, I'm gonna win!"
She smiled cheekily and stared at the television with concentration.

~after they had played a few rounds~

"You're good, the final scores were 3-5"
She leaned back on the sofa, turning her head towards me.
I took one of the cupcakes that were left on the table, she watched me eating it with a hopeful look on her face.
"These are good, did you make them?"
Her eyes lit up at my small compliment, she's pretty good at baking, I wonder what else she can do...
"I'm happy you like them! I made them this morning before I came"

Your P.O.V

He likes them, I'm so glad! After he finished I decided to ask a few questions.

"You're mum said you do volleyball, what position do you play?"
I could feel my smile widen and I looked and replied to him.
"Really!? I'm a spiker, maybe we could do a match together some time?"
I said enthusisticly, hoping he would agree.
"I'm already on a team"
My face sunk a little, but I was still happy we at least had interests in similar things.
"But I wouldn't mind throwing some tosses to you some time..."
He looked away from me, covering his face slightly.
"Yay! Thank you!"
I jumped on him, hugging him lightly and playfully.

Ring ring

"Oh, it's my dad"
I let go of him before picking up my phone and getting off the sofa.
"Is it ok if I go to the kitchen to take this call?"
He nodded and slightly smiled at me. It was only faint but I'm sure I saw a light red colour dusted over his face...

"Hey dad"
"(F/N) when are you coming home? It's already 6pm, you've been out for four hours!"
"What!? Have I!? Sorry, I'll come back now!"
"Ok, and don't worry, you must be making friends so I'm glad"
"Thanks dad, I'll be there in five minutes"

I hung up the phone and walked back to the sofa where Kenma was sitting.
"I have to go now, can I get y-your number before I leave please..?"
"Oh... sure"
We exchanged phone numbers as I put my jacket and shoes on.
"What school are you going to?"
I turned my head to see Kenma looking at me, his head tilted to the side.
"Hmmm... I think it's called Nekoma, what about you?"
I awnsered his question, looking back at him with a casual smile.
"That's where I go"
I felt my smile grow as I cheerfully continued the small conversation.
"Great! Want to walk to school together tommorow? I need someone to show me around a bit anyways"
"Oh um... s-sure..."
He looked away from me, covering his face a bit.
"Great! I'll see you tommorow Kenma!"
I was really happy I had already made a friend!

Friend... huh.... why did it hurt to say that word...

A/N I hope you guys like it so far! This is my first ×reader so I hope it's not too bad. If you would like to help a bit, comment suggestions on what you want to happen at school! Bye everyone! :D

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