Flashback time! (6)

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Your P.O.V
In lesson (2nd period)

"This is (F/N) (L/N), she's new here so please treat her with respect everyone"
The class erupted in quiet mumbles and whispers, surprisingly the environment seemed pretty relaxed so I wasn't too worried.
"Nice to meet you all! I hope we can all become great friends!"
I put on a smile, but mentally sighed. I knew once all the girls found out about my 'boyish' interests they would likely avoid me, while I expect the boys will never leave me alone... I can't even fight this time either...


That's how it was in my old village. Most girls tended to avoid me, they all thought I was strange for liking things like volleyball and rugby. The boys generally liked me, but some seemed to like how I looked much more than my personality or interests... I remember what happened on the day all the girls started to despise me completely. Even the boys started either avoiding me or treating me like a useless rat... At the time I was only 13, I was pretty happy! Heh... I was naive to think my happiness could last long...

It was one Thursday lunch time that it happened. I was play fighting with the boys, I wasn't exactly weak and neither were the boys so we never actually hurt each other. We would always get told off, but we were only young at the time so we barely ever listened. A boy I didn't know too well, his name was Ichika Tatsuki joined us that time. Among the girls, he was pretty popular apparently, I never payed close attention though so i was clueless to why. Later that year I found out he was nothing but a sour sadist, who knew such young children could be so cruel!?

When lunch was almost over, Tatsuki decided to join in on our fighting. I threw a punch in the direction of my best friend, Sou Hayato.
"Watch out Sou!"
My warning didn't matter though, before I could land a single hit on him, Tatsukis hand gripped onto my wrist.
"Hey! You're grips too tight you're actually going to hurt me!"
He clicked his tongue at my comment and tightened his grip. Before long, an audience had gathered around. Our school was only small and didn't have many students, so the crowd around us was actually a large majority of the school.

"Hey (Y/N), is everything ok..?"
Sou's muffled voice could just about be heard over the mumbles of the confused crowd.
I was screaming for him let go, my wrist was turning red and a stream of blood could be seen running down my arm. My elbow hit his stomach, making him jump back from the shock.

"Wow... So the little girl can fight huh?"
Chants could be heard from the crowd, some were scared and pleading in unison for us to stop while others were chanting "fight!" Over and over again.
"Well... that's no way to treat and upper class man now is it (Y/N)?"
At the time, I knew nothing about him, not even the fact that he was a second year while I was only a first.

I bit my tongue to keep me from spitting out insults, I had a horrible temper back then but usually Sou was able to keep me calm, keeping me playful and happy. But with Sou being held back behind the crowd I had no body to keep me calm, I lost it...

Before I knew It, Tatsuki was charging at me! I dodged his his first punch, then attempted to throw my own. My fist hit his right forearm, it wasn't what I was going for but I continued anyways. He landed a kick to my stomach, I started coughing up blood but I knew this hadn't ended just yet. I ran back at him, slower than before but still enough to land a hit on him before he could get to me. His first instinct was to throw a punch to my stomach while I was still infront of him, but I was able to read his actions and quickly got behind him. My hand gripped onto his right arm. For a boy he was suprisingly skinny, it wouldn't be hard for me to throw him to the floor now.

At this point, the teachers had only just arrived. They believed I started the fight as at the minute, I was winning. Not only that, but somehow he had gained a very good reputation with the school. He was well educated and all the teachers and most students seemed to trust him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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