Welcome home kitty! (4)

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Your P.O.V

I was sitting on the sofa calmly, with the grey and white cat sleeping soundly next to me. Kenma went to go get him some food and a drink, he told me to wait in the living room so I did. As I was waiting, I carefully stroked the cats matted fur. It was slightly rough to touch, but also very thick and had patches of dried blood all over.

Kenma came out of the kitchen holding a small bowl of water and a few pieces of ham. I went over and helped him bring the things over to the cat. We placed the water and ham on the floor in front of the sofa and stood back, so we didn't startle him. When he started eating and drinking normally, we both let out a light sigh, relived that so far he wasn't too much trouble.

"Hey Kenma, I think we're going to have to give him a bath, his fur is all matted and has areas with dried blood in..."
I tapped on his shoulder, Gaining his attention.
"Mhm... umm, how do you even wash animals...?"
He looked over at me with a curious expression. I just looked back at him with a dumbfounded expression as I realised I didn't know either.
"I don't know... s-should we search it up...?"
He nodded and found his laptop, once we had read what it told us to do, we took the cat upstairs to the bathroom and prepared a small bath.

5 minutes later

The bath was prepared, Kenma gently placed him into the lukewarm water and waited for him to calm down a little. Once he was calm, we both tried to wash him down with shampoo, but he resisted, splashing water everywhere.

"Dammit... My top is soaking..."
I was lifting the soaking shirt slightly from my skin, Kenma turned his head towards me when he noticed me speaking.
"You can wear one of my shirts if you want..."
My face heated up a little at the thought of wearing Kenmas clothes, but I silently nodded as I didn't want to sit in my soaking wet shirt.

He pointed towards where his bedroom was, and waited in the bathroom with the cat as he couldn't leave him alone. I nodded, thanking him and went into his room.

The first thing I noticed upon walking into his room was the large television. It was above a book shelf which was filled with consoles, games and school books. There was a wooden desk in the corner which had a pc in the centre and controllers scattered around. In the opposite corner there was a light grey and white bed and a tall walldrobe with different volleyball and game posters attached to the front.

I opened the wardrobe and looked for a smaller T-shirt. I found a plain white one with a small cat logo on the top right, near the shoulder. Once I had put it on, I placed my wet shirt in my arms and walked back to the bathroom. The shirt smelt slightly of him. You could faintly smell the cupcakes I had baked them, the sweet scent still lingering on the shirt. It was slightly too big for me, the cat logo was supposed to be near your shoulder but for me it reached just above my chest. The top reached about my mid thigh, with the sleeves reaching just before my elbows.

I walked back into the bathroom, my face slightly red from his scent and from the embarrassment of how big it was. Once Kenma noticed me, his face became tinted a light red, similar to mine but slightly darker. My head was now hanging, I was embaressed and all he could do was stare! I could hear Kenma chuckling lightly to himself, I looked up with a pout as it felt like I was being made fun of.

"W-what's so funny!?"
"How is it so big on you, you're only a few inches shorter than me"
He continued laughing at me, I crossed my arms angrily and walked back over to the lukewarm bath as we continued to bathe the kitty.

25 minutes later

We were now back in the living room, both tired and wet from bathing the cat. I sighed quietly and leaned my head on Kenmas shoulder. He gave me a small smile, before relaxing on the sofa. I sat next to him, my head still resting on his shoulder as we just sat there in silence. The kitty seemed to have settled in, as it was now jumping around the entire house excitedly. I closed my eyes, this was so calming... Kenmas warmth spread to my body as I felt my body begin to shut down, like I was ready to sleep.

Suddenly, something was hit into my side, normally I would have just jumped a little but seeing as I was ready to fall asleep, it had a bigger effect. I fell into Kenmas lap, my head and part of my chest resting on his pale legs. My legs were still dangling off the couch, with my hands on his shoulders from trying to support myself. He stared down at me with a slightly shocked expression and blush spreading across his face. It was obvious I was blushing even more, as my face felt like it was burning up.

I pulled myself up from his lap, using his shoulders as support.
"Its fine..."
As soon as i was up, he immedeatly turned his face away and i did the same.

A few minutes later, Kenmas mum came back. Kenma had to explain the situation to her, and luckily she agreed to keep the cat and let me come around often to see him.
"Shouldn't you two be getting to school now? Ill take care of the cat dont worry"
My breath was caught in my throat, i comlpetely forgot about school! Luckily, i was in my P.E. kit when i came roundt to Kenmas, meaning my school uniform was still dry and in good condition.

I thanked his mum then ran upstairs to get changed. Once i shut the bathroom door, i changed into my uniform, throwing my bag over my shoulder and placing Kenmas shirt in my arms. I slowly walked to the top of the stairs, making sure to gently shut the door behind me. My mind was focused on the cat, wondering what to name it and wondering how much real treatment it will need. Suddenly, Kenmas voice rang through my ears!
I must have been really close to the stairs as the next thing i knew i was stumbling down the stairs clumsily! I wasn't able to grab onto the thin banister in time. I closed my eyes, and threw my hands out infront of me, hoping that would somehow save me...

A/N hi again guys! Omg its been like 20 days since ive updated this and i feel really bad!!! I hope this chapter makes up for the really long wait! I also Tried to do most of this part in your P.O.V, as in the last chapter it was mostly Kenmas P.O.V but it ended up all being in your P.O.V so i hope you dont mind! Once again im really sorry for the late update, and hope you all will forgive me!😔😢
Have a good day/ night everyone! <3

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