A cute companion! (3)

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Your P.O.V

As we began getting closer the the sound, a grey and white blur could be seen in the distance. Near the small creature, there seemed to be a tiny rusty cage and a large male silhoute. Once we were close enough to see what was happening, we hid behind a sturdy wall and watched.

"K-kenma... you can let go of my hand now..."
His hand still held mine, but as I said this he gently dropped mine and turned away from me.
"Oh... s-sorry..."
"It's fine, in fact it was kind of nice..."

WAIT WHAT!? Did I really just say that!? Crap crap crap, he's going to think I'm so weird! I quickly buried my face in my hands and turned away. To my surprise, I heard Kenma let out a quiet chuckle. He turned towards me as I slightly took my hands away and looked at him. He looked at me with a very faint smile and caring eyes. I felt my face become even more heated, but he wouldn't be able to tell as my hands were still covering my face.

"Come here, this won't hurt anymore than it did last time!"
The Man was now shouting at the cat, approaching the terrified animal with a carving knife dripping in blood. A rope was tied around the cats neck like a lead, meaning the helpless pet couldn't run away. My body moved by itself... I ran towards the tall man, punching him in the side and knocking him over. I tried approaching the cat while the man was still lying on the floor but it obviously avoided me at all costs. Within a minute, Kenma came running towards me with a terrified look on his face.

"What are you doing!?"
I looked back at him, giving him a guilty smile before attempting to capture the small cat again. Before I knew it, Kenma held the cat gently in his own arms, stroking its ragged fur which some how calmed it.

"How did you catch it so easily..?"
"Don't ask me... cats just always seem to come me..."
The look on his face was plain and bland, he continued staring down at the creature in his arms.
"Cut the rope..."
Kenma was still holding the cat, meaning he couldn't do it so he instructed me too.
I picked up the disgusting knife the man had threw when falling and gently slit the rope letting the cats neck free. Once we removed the rope, burns and marks were prominent all around the cats neck. Kenma must have noticed the saddened look in my face as he tried to calm me.
"He will be fine now... don't worry"
"Mhm, he's definitely a boy"
I gave a slight smile as I began stroking the male cat as well.

Before I knew it, sirens could be heard down the street. Somebody must have seen what had happened and called the police.
"Kenma... what will happen to him now..?"
My voice was tinted with worry and curiosity.
"I don't know, it depends on the police's decision..."
I nodded, still feeling worried as the police started walking towards us.

I think I may have hit the older man harder than I thought as he was still fainted on the ground. The team followed the police with Kuroo at the front, leading his team.

What happened in my past life, made me terrified of the police... My mum was taken away by the police when I was only a child... I had no idea why because she was always so loving and kind around me... To this day I still dont understand why she was taken away, but because of this I was terrified of the police...

I quickly hid behind Kenma, he must have noticed my worry as he questioned me.
"Whats wrong (Y/N), it's only the police?"
I must have had tears in my eyes, as when he turned his head to me his expression changed from bland and bored to shocked and worried.
"T-the police..."

Kenma P.O.V

As I turned to face (Y/N) I noticed a slight shimmer in the corner of each eye... was she... crying..?
"T-the police..."
The police? Was she scared of the police..?
"It will be fine... they won't hurt you..."
I tried reassuring her, but she wouldn't move away from me and every time the police got closer, I felt a slight tug on my shirt.

"We were reported a case of animal abuse, were you both witnesses?"
I nodded and spoke plainly.
"We saw some of it, the man was approaching this cat with a carving knife that already had blood dripping from it"
"Do you still have the knife?"
"Yes, (Y/N) used it to cute the rope from the cats neck"
She was still scared, so I decided I would speak to the police, so there was no need to ask (Y/N) anything.

"Miss, where is the rope now?"
"I-I... o-o-oh... u-uhh..."
She couldn't get her words out, she was terrified...
"Um, she gets overwhelmed easily so she probably won't be able to awnser anything in a situation like this"
That was the only thing that could come to mind, hopefully that made the police back off a little.
"Ok i understand, you kids can leave now and we will investigate, although we are unsure of what to do with the cat..."
I nodded understandingly, starting to gently place the cat down before I felt a tug on my sleeve.
"U-u-umm... c-can we p-p-please k-keep it..?"

She was able to mumble one sentence out, luckily it was clear enough for the police to hear.

"We don't have a problem with that. But it will have to be checked, so we can make sure no body owns it"
I noticed a quick smile grow across (Y/N) face, as she bowed respectfully and quickly returned to her hiding place behind me.

At the Nekoma gym, with the team and the cat

Kuroo: it's so cute! What are you gonna call her!?
Kenma: it's a he...
Lev: he reminds me of Yaku! Cute and smol!
(Y/N) Let out a quiet chuckle when she began listening to the team and what they were saying. I'm glad she's getting used to being around them...

After a short while, coach Nekoma came and interrupted us all.
"What are you both planning to do with the cat?"
His face had a slight smile on it, he's always loved cats so I'm not surprised.
"Well we were thinking of keeping it..."
I turned towards (Y/N) who looked very happy of my approval to keep him.
"Ok, but you can't exactly do any practice while the cat is here, so why don't you both head home before school?"
"Wont we get in trouble for being late..?"
(Y/N) looked slightly worried, but it is her first day so I can understand why.
"You're in lev's class right? I'm sure he can make up an excuse for you"
She turned towards Lev as he nodded smiling, she then thanked him and turned back towards our coach.
"Kenma you will probably be fine, you're teachers should be used to you being late by now"
I nodded politely, then waited until (Y/N) picked up her things and began out walk to our houses.

"Ummm... Kenma who's house is the cat going to stay at..?"
"Hm? Oh, I don't mind either way, but you're still unpacking in your house right?"
She silently nodded, it seemed like she was deep in thought so the walk back to my house was silent.

At Kenmas house

"Come in, wait in the living room I'm just going to get the cat some water and food"

A/N sorry for the late update!!! I was hoping for this chapter to come out a little better, but I think the next one will be good! Also I realised that most of this chapter was in Kenmas P.O.V, sorry!!! >~<

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