Your first day! (2)

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Your P.O.V

"Dad! I'm home!"
I went back to my messy house, taking my shoes off at the door.
"Welcome home, who's the neighbour you made friends with?"
My dad pulled out a seat at the dining table as he served me some simple soup (we had only just moved here so we only had tinned food).

"His names Kenma Kozume, he loves gaming like me! He even plays on the nekoma sports team!"
I spoke excitedly, looking up every now and then to see how my dad reacted.
His tone was a little flat, I didn't see the problem.
"Yea, he's a boy?"
I tilted my head, questioning his tone.
"Whats wrong dad?"
"You don't like him... do you?"
I sighed and laughed a little.
"How could I like someone I just met? We are just... just... f-friends..."

He stared at me suspicous a little longer, before dropping the subject and finishing his vegetable soup. I washed the dishes and had a quick but refreshing shower, then headed to bed to relax.

Next day

"I'm going to school now dad! Wish me luck!"
I shouted my goodbyes to my dad before waiting outside the house for Kenma. I would have knocked on the door, but I didn't want to seem like a bother, so I just waited patiently.

Not too long after, he showed up with his bag hanging over a single shoulder.
"Morning (Y/N)..."
He yawned quietly before coming towards me, trying to act a little more awake.
"Didn't get much sleep last night?"
I smiled reassuringly in his direction.
"No worrys, we have a while before class starts right? We can find a quiet place and I'll let you rest"
He nodded silently and gave a quick and small smile before concentrating on walking straight.

At school

I stared at the huge school campus in awe. The town I previously lived in was only small, with a small high school on the outskirts, but this place is huge! What did I expect? Tokyo is a huge city, it's obviously going to have some amazing buildings! I noticed a lonely tree on a patch of soft looking grass, no body was around so I decided that was a nice quiet place to go.

"Hey Kenma, want to go over to that tree?"
I lifted my hand up and pointed to the tree in question
"Sure... *yawn* lead the way..."
We walked over to the tall cherry blossom and sat underneath it's large branches. I set my jacket down underneath, so it would be more comftarble sitting down. We both set out bags aside and leaned our heads against the rough bark of the tree.

I took out my phone and began to play some games as I could see Kenma drifting off into the world of dreams. After about 2 minutes of silence I felt a light weight on my shoulder, I turned my head to see Kenma resting his head on my shoulder while he was asleep! My face began heating up, I'm sure by now a red sparkle could be seen across my warm face. I left him like that as I continued to play on my phone, stealing glances at him every now and then. He did say he was tired so there isn't any benefit from disturbing him...

Suddenly a white flash filled my vision, someone was taking pictures! I quickly looked around to see a tall pair of boys chuckling and taking pictures of me and Kenma! The tallest had silver hair and a slim body. A spikey black haired boy was standing next to him, he wasn't as tall as the first.
"What are you doing!?"
I whisper shouted as to not wake Kenma up. They just ignored my question and began introducing them selves.
"I'm Tetsuro Kuroo and this is Haiba Lev"
I sighed but then introduced my self.
"(F/N) (L/N), just call me (F/N)..."
As I said That, I heard a queit yawn from Kenma as he slowly woke up.

Kenma P.O.V

I slowly woke up, I didn't want to but I could hear Kuroo and Lev being really loud. As I opened my eyes I could see that I wasn't resting on the tree like I thought I was, but instead I was leaning on (F/N) shoulder! My face started to burn up a little as I lifted my head and turned away.
I was mumbling a little, embaressed that I even did that.
"It's fine Kenma, besides you said you were tired so I didn't w-want to disturb you..."
She was also looking away, I could tell she was a little flustered too.

"Hey Kenma, I get you're hanging around with your girlfriend but morning practice is starting."
Kuroo looked at me with a cheeky smirk, staring me in the eye.
"She's not my girlfriend... Also Lev you're way too loud, be quiet"
I gave Lev a death glare as I stood up, taking my bag and looking back down at (F/N).
"Want to come to practice? You seemed interested so I'm sure coach won't mind you watching"
I extended a hand towards (F/N) as she took it blushing, then standing up with her bag and walking behind us three.

Your P.O.V

I took Kenmas hand blushing, while I walked behind the three males listening to them tease Kenma. The wide doors to the gym opened as Kenma walked up to the coach, asking if it was ok if I watch. In the distance I saw him nod his head and signal for me to come In, as the boys went to change.
"Do you have a gym uniform with you?"
His voice was bland and boring, but at the same time strong.
"Oh um... Yes I do"
I was confused on why he was asking me this, but continued the conversation.
"Can you go and change please? Kenma told me you're interested and I would like to see your skills"
My face lit up, I couldn't wait! I quickly nodded my head and went into a separate room to change. When I came back out, the boys were all waiting around there coach.

"Ah, hmm (F/N) was it? While the rest of the team warm up I would like your to show me your skills."
"Yes sir!"
"You're a spiker right? Kenma is our setter so work with him please"
Kenma gave me a small smile before getting into position. I did the same, then nodded at the coach and Kenma to tell them they could start.

Kenma tossed the ball to me, he tossed it directly to where my hand needed to go, with just enough strength. My hand hit the flying ball perfectly and slammed it down on the other side within 5 seconds. Before I knew it, everyone in the gym had stopped and was now just staring at me. I felt uncomftarble and just hung me head, only slightly looking at the coach.

I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder, it was Kenma. I blushed a little at the sudden touch but turned around to see what he wanted.
"It's fine, the team doesn't bite don't get nervous"
I smiled at him thankfully then nodded. I lifted my head up from looking at Kenma, quickly realising that the whole team were surrounding me. They were all so tall! I felt nervous, I understand Kenma told me it was fine but a group of boys (most over 6 foot) were staring down at me mumbling. I went back near Kenma, hiding behind him slightly as I felt safe around him. The coach then moved the group of boys further away from me.
"That was some amazing skill, did you play volleyball in your old school?"
He stared at me with wide eyes and a small smile, although I was still nervous so I stayed near Kenma.
"I-I participated in a v-volleyball club outside o-of school..."
"I can tell... well my name is coach Nekoma, I can't invite you to join the club, but feel free to come and practice with us whenever you like"
I suddenly felt alot less nervous, I went towards the coach and bowed respectfully.
"I would like that coach Nekoma, thank you very much"
"Very well then, Kenma introduce her to the team please and then you two can warm up"
"Yes coach..."

Kenma waited for me as I walked back over to him, then took me to each player on the team. When we were all introduced, the coach sent us off for a run, the captain of the team directed us then let us go in pairs. I ended up running along side Kenma, making small talk along the way.


As we were running, we heard a distant cat cry and some man shouting. I stopped and looked around worried, Kenma realised and stopped too.
"Whats wrong?"
"There's A cat... it sounds like it's in pain..."
He let out a small sigh seeing my worried expression, he then took my hand in his and started running towards the sound.

His hand was so soft and warm... my face began burning at the thought.

What is this feeling...?

We are just friends right...?

Or is it something more...?

A/N I hoped you like this chapter! I have some cute ideas for the next chapter so I hope you will enjoy it! Bai everyone! :P

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