
770 13 1

"Sakura" I call out to her, her laughter dies down as she looks at me.
"What is it?" She brings her eyebrows closer and begins to nervously look around us.
"Who's that?" I point up to a figure on top of a building. The moon was as bright as it could ever be, only to be blocked by this person. She looks up to where im pointing up only to gasp and step away.
"That's Gaara, what is he doing here?" she looked, almost frightened?
"We should get going Hikari" she pulls my arm towards her.

What is she so worried about? He looks harmless, he's not doing anything.

Besides, something is drawing me towards him, I'm not too sure what it is but I just want to see how he looks like, and what he's doing here. I've never seen him before.

"Right, let's get going Sakura" we begin walking back, but my mind is still on him. I'll have to get back, without Sakura knowing. If she finds out, she'll tell Naruto, and man he's such a pain. He'll go out looking for me, then yell a long lecture. Don't get me wrong, I love Naruto with my pure being. After all, he is like a brother to me but sometimes he irks my soul.
"Hey Sakura-chan. I'll see you tomorrow? I need to clear my head up a bit" She stops walking and scans my eyes. I just hope she doesn't actually find out what I'm about to do. She nods before continuing her path back to her house. The streets were empty and quiet.


They're still people around at this time, it's not even past midnight. Going back to where I saw him, he still laid there. Sakura seemed afraid of him, I'm assuming he came from another village.

Sometimes I really don't know why I do the things that I do. No wonder Naruto is always behind me, yelling at everything I do. I jumped to the building beside him, I waited a bit to see if he had noticed me.

Hmm, doesn't seem like he did.

Then jumped onto the next one, the one he was at. I began walking closer, his face still facing up to the sky. Im sure he had noticed me by now, but he didn't care enough to look my way.
The closer I got to him, The more I was able to see him. Red hair, pale skin, what seemed to be a tattoo on his head as well.

"Are you alright?" Was all I could manage to say to him. Finally he looks over at me, Jeez. If looks could kill I'd be six feet under by now. I gave him a small smile before sitting next to him. He doesn't answer me, instead he just looks up back to sky.
Doesn't seem like I'll get much from him, now does it? I don't why, but I want to know who he is. Sakura even stepped back after knowing who he was. What makes him so special?

"I've never seen you around" he says just above a whisper. His answer caught me my surprise, I was certain he wasn't going to talk to me.

"A-ah yeah. Just recently woke up from a long nap" I managed to say. Never seen me around here? So he's been coming here a lot. I only woke up from my coma almost a month ago, not many even remembered who I was. Sucks to know how easily forgotten I was.

"Why are you here?" he turns over to look at me. Man, his look gives me chills down my spine.

"I can say I haven't seen you around here as well. And by the looks of it, you're not from here"  I look at his metal plate. From the Hidden Village of the Sand? What is he doing so far from home? We both fall silent for what seems like an eternity.

"May I ask why you're here?" I turn to look at him, his eyes close. The gentle breeze brushing against his hair. He doesn't answer, he just takes a deep breath in before exhaling.

"HIKARII!" Oh uh, I know that voice too well. I turn to face the bottom of the street. Naruto, standing nice and proud, glaring up at me.

"I should get going. Before he comes up here and starts something" I stand up and straighten myself up. "Hope to see you around here again, my name is Hikari" I give him a polite smile before beginning to walk away.

"Gaara" I hear him call out behind me, I turn back to face him.

"Hoping to get a conversation out of you sometime" and with that, I jump down the building to Naruto.

"Oi, Hikari! What do you think you're doing hanging out with him? Especially this late at night! Don't tell me you've been seeing him lately. HEY GAARA! YOU GET OUT OF HERE YOU CREEP" He laughs as he screams up to Gaara. I put my hand over his mouth, and shush him. Man, he really has no way of controlling his voice.

"Let's go" I begin pulling him behind me

"Bye Gaara!!" He waves at him, only to be ignored.

"Why does everyone know him but me?" I say more to myself than referring it to Naruto.

"You were knocked out for a couple of years, you know? There's a lot you've missed" Naruto places his hands behind his head as he walks.

"What were you doing up there Hikari?" He quickens his pace to catch up with me.

"Hmm? Nothing, I've never seen him around. Just wanted to know who he was" I shrugged it off, not like I was lying or anything. I did want to know who he was and why he was here. Naruto hums before falling silent again, good, I was certain he would yell at me.
Upon arriving at my place, Naruto stands back, looking up at the sky.

"Mm? What's wrong" I turn to face him, he shakes his head and gives me a smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow Hikari" he waves me off as he walks to his place. I nod and wave back at him, before going inside.

Uff, what a long day. I've spent most of my day with Naruto, Sakura and that loser of Sasuke. Only one can imagine how draining that could be. I run the shower before taking my clothes off and stepping in. My body tenses as the hot water collides against my skin, but quickly relaxes soon after.

'You were knocked out for a couple years...'

Yeah, I was. For three years. I missed the death of our third Hokage. I missed the exams. I missed the part where Sasuke's loser self had gotten attacked by Orochimaru. I sure did miss a lot of things, but a lot of people didn't miss me. I missed who was the new Kazekage of the sand village. Come to think of it, who is the fifth Kazekage?

The water began running cold, indicating me I've spent enough time in the shower. I wrap a towel around me before brushing my teeth and combing my hair. I quickly get dressed and hop in bed, tomorrow is a new day.

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