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Many, many, and I mean MANY hours later, we arrive at the Sand village. It's very windy, and the sand being picked up by it makes it harder to see.

"Well, here we are. We'll get started right away. We'll meet with Kazekage before we do anything else" Kakashi begins walking in after the guards checked us. The town is empty, or maybe they're all just staying in their homes. Waiting for this wind to pass by, it's really windy here. We arrive at a rather big building and are greeted by the guards at the front of the entrance.

"Welcome, we've been waiting for you. Lord Kazekage will like to see you all" the guards directs us around the building as we arrive at a door. Rather the only door in this hallway. The guard knocks first which is followed by entry.

"Lord Kazekage, our guests have arrived" the guard bows at his presence. Kakashi walks in, bowing at him, followed by Naruto, Sakura and then Sasuke, I come in at last.

"Lord Kazekage" I bow at his presence as well

"Please, Gaara" oh? I know that voice, and I know that name. I look up only to looked shocked.


"Glad you all made it here safely" he closes his eyes before continuing. "As you all probably know, our village was attacked. We really have no time to waste here. My village is in danger, I can't risk it anymore. My guards will show you to where you will be staying. Soon after, i will visit you individually and thank you for your services" Gaara gives us a small nod, we all give him a firm nod as well.

The guards direct us to our rooms, thankfully no one is sharing rooms. I can't imagine sharing rooms with any of these losers.

Gaara? Kazekage? How? He's so young. Oh this just gets better and better right? My room was showed last, it stood at the end of a hallway. The guard directed me in and soon closed the door behind him.

Well, time to unpack. I began folding my clothes into a dresser that was in the room. Once finished i looked over at the large window besides the bed. The wind was still strong, it looked like it was actually picking up. The grains of sand danced across the glass, making a sound only I would find soothing.

I sat on the edge of the bed and continued to look at the sand in the wind. It was mesmerizing, truly.

There was a knock on my door, could be someone from the team.

"Come in" I called out, my eyes never leaving the sand. I tried to follow it's pattern but only found it impossible to do so. There were faint footsteps heard, could be Naruto sneaking up on me.

That loser always tries to, but he is so loud and easy to spot

"Hey Naruto, if you're trying to sneak up. You're being way too loud" I chuckle and wait for him to jump on me. I look behind me, only to see Gaara's eyes.

"Oh, Lord Kazekage! Please forgive me! I thought you were Naruto" I quickly stand up and bow at him. His expressionless face, only made me shudder under his stare.

"Hikari?" I look up at him, does he remember me? From last night?

"Yes Kazekage?" I stood firm, whether or not he's the same age as me. He is the Kazekage, i have to show him respect. After all, I am under his orders as of today.

"Gaara. It's Gaara"

"Of course" I softly speak, giving him a small smile. Still, emotionless as ever, he continues to talk

"Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi and a few of my members would begin tomorrow in the morning. Sakura will be in the hospital working close with doctors and nurses. You, will be here, protecting the village and anything else that I order for"

I bow at him, yes i know about all of this Sensei already told us everything

"Yes, Gaara"

"Well, I'm sure you are exhausted. Please rest" and with that he leaves my room. Protect the village? All to myself? I can't have Sasuke or Naruto to help me out? It is a small village but even so. Im not doubting myself, I have beaten Sasuke many times. Not to mention how many times I've saved him and Naruto too. But that is a lot to put on me, I'll have to do my best and follow orders. I need to find Sensei and ask about this, I don't think it's a great idea. Walking out of my room, I notice Sasuke stepping into his room.

"Hey Sasuke!" I call out to him, he peeks his head back and stops midway

"Hikari?" He waits for me to approach him

"You got a couple minutes?" I softly smile at him, he looks at me before opening the door for me to enter

"Sure, come in" he closes the door behind him and takes a seat on the small couch he had in his room, I follow along and sit next to him

"What is it?" He sighs before pushing his head back and closes his eyes.

"Don't you think the idea of leaving me protecting the village alone is a little too much for me to handle?"

"You got Sakura" he calls out, not moving the slightest

"She'll be working with the doctors" I lean my head back and close my eyes as well

"Well there's the other guards in this village. You're not entirely alone" I suppose he's right, not like I am fighting alone.

"Mm, I guess you're right" I get up from the couch, Sasuke following me with his eyes. "Well, sorry to bother you. Get some rest Sasuke. You have a lot to do tomorrow" I bow at him and begin walking towards the door

"Hikari.." Sasuke says just above a whisper, I turn back to look at him. He's looking at his hands, breathing heavily

"Sasuke?" I walk closer to him, is he alright? Is he nervous? No. Sasuke never gets nervous.

"About Neji..." he trails off, what about him? Is he worried? He shouldn't be, Neji hasn't done anything. I sit next to him, resting my hand on his thigh. Assuring him im listening, he holds his breath before speaking

"I don't like him" he looks up at me, his eyes finally looking into mine.


"Yeah I don't either. If that's what you're worried about, you shouldn't. Neji was there everyday for me at the hospital. You knew how close I was to Hinata. If anything, Neji is like the family I never had. Please Sasuke, don't worry about it. Dont be such a loser" I giggle at my last sentence, he relaxes before taking in a deep breath

"Right" he exhales, his shoulders drop as he leans back on the couch.

"Don't let me keep you up Sasuke. Please rest" I get up and extend my hand for him to take it. He looks at before doing so, I help him and give him a soft smile.

Man, Sasuke really worries for no reason.

"Goodnight Sasuke" I bow at him, as he sits on the bed

"Goodnight Hika" he says as I walk out of his room, only to bump onto a strong figure

"Im sorry, forgive me" I look up to see Gaara. He looks at me before looking at the door I just walked out from.

"You were in his room" he says before coldly staring back at me.

"Yes, only to discuss the mission. Nothing more Gaara" I straighten up and slightly nod

"Loosen up Hikari. I know this isn't how you normally act" he mutters only to keep on walking and stepping into what I assume is his room.

Of course, Gaara

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