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"Lord Kazekage!"

Our sleep was interrupted, we both ignored the calls to sleep in longer.

"Lord Kazekage! We're getting attacked. They're heading for the hospital!" Those words make my body shoot up from the bed, Gaara doing so as well.

"You stay close to me!" I shout to Gaara as we both begin changing. My only option is to wear the same clothes from yesterday, but that was the least of my worries. I begin running to the hospital, making sure he was close to me at all times. On the way there I spot the bad guys running towards the hospital.

"Gaara!" I call out, he looks down at them and nods

"Right" he exclaims as he holds most of them in place with his sand.

"You take care of those. I'll go into the hospital" I shout to an ally that was following close behind us. He nods before jumping down and handling them.

"You're never to leave my sight. Understood Gaara?" My eyes have narrowed, due to the anger and worry. He nods as I look back at him.

"Gaara!" We both hear his name shout before Temari and Kankuro joining us.

"Temari, take Gaara somewhere safe. I'll handle this" she nods before agreeing with me, pulling Gaara.

"No. I'm going with you!" We all stop running as Gaara implies those words. I walk up to him, fist clenched to my side.

"Our job here is to protect you Gaara. You shouldn't be fighting unless it comes down it! You're going with Temari and Kankuro, I'll handle the rest!" My eyes narrow up at him, my teeth clenched. Anger has risen above me. And Gaara is acting real reckless, he needs to be safe. He doesn't say anything, in-fact he looks rather angry and shocked as well. I give Temari a nod before they take him away, no more protests heard.

Once arriving at the hospital I run my way to where Sasuke and Naruto are. I see Kakashi handling three all at once, he notices me and gives a small smirk under his mask.

"You think you can take all the fun to yourself Sensei?" I laugh while going over and kicking one of the ninjas down. He coughs as blood shoots out of his mouth.

"Couldn't hold yourself back huh Hika?" I hear sensei as i go over to him. Our backs against each other, both us dealing with a ninja.

"Look kid, I don't want to hurt you. We just want the Kazekage and the nine tailed boy" The ninja holds back talking to me

"Wrong answer" I say as both Kakashi and I jump up to them. I mentally thank Lee for teaching me his Taijutsu. Easily tacking the ninja down, Kakashi does the same with the other. Some guards quickly come in after to arrest the three that were on the floor. 

I quickly made my way towards Naruto making sure he was okay, then to Sasuke doing the same. Thankfully not a single scratched was place on them. I turn to look at Naruto again.

They want him, for that damn demon inside of him. I won't let them, even if it's the last thing I do.

"Will you be alright Sensei? I have to check up on Gaara" he nods before shooing me away.

"Temari!" I shout as I reach the rooftops and began running. "Temari!" I shout again, She appears in front of me.

"Where is he?" I can't help but feel the wave of worry wash upon me.

"He's fine. He's in his room right now, Kankuro is keeping him there until further notice" i sigh in relief as my shoulders relax

"You like him" Temari gives me a small smirk, I freeze at her remark. Not knowing what to say.

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