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"Oi, Hikari. Wake up" A familiar voice sounds from beside me. Theres not one single day I can sleep in, can I?

"Naruto, give me ten more minutes please" I whine and shove my head into the pillow. Why didn't I lock my door? I knew this would happen. Always barging in and waking me up only to go walk around and watch as he picks fights.

"Hikari... Kakashi wants to meet with us" I hear Sakura call out. Oh great! Sakura is here too. I groan and sit up, trying to open my eyes. 

What's next? That loser of Sasuke is here too?

I finally opened my eyes and looked ahead of me. And there stood Sasuke looking down at me. Of course he's here too.

"Right, give me a couple minutes" I lazily walk into the bathroom only to hear all three of them arguing. I wash my face and brush my teeth before fixing myself to look presentable.

"Let's get going" I call out to them, Sasuke following close behind me as Naruto and Sakura argue.

"They're both annoying" Sasuke mutters to himself before sighing, I laugh and agree with him "they really are"

I don't hate Sasuke, if anything I care for him just the same as I do with the other two. But because of him, is the reason I have this hideous scar at the right side of my top lip running down my bottom lip. And he never apologized for it too, that is why I'm holding a grudge on him.

"Hey Sakura, what does Sensei need us for?" I look behind me, she shrugs before looking at Naruto.

"He called us in this morning, told us to get you up and ready" he quietly says, as she quickens her pace to stay at speed with us.

"I don't care what it is! Sensei better not keep us waiting!" Naruto raises his fist in the air as I laugh. He is right, Kakshi is always late. Probably reading that damn novel of his, that cheeky novel of his.

We finally arrive upon our destination, where Sensei told us to wait for him.

"I say he'll be here in two hours" I call out, looking up into the clear blue sky.

"I dont know, Sensei seemed pretty serious. I say he should be here soon" Sakura stands up and begins looking around.  Ah, Kakashi is always late. No matter the situation, he still manages to be late

"More like an hour or so" Sasuke chimes in, before grinning. Realizing he's playing along in our little game. Sasuke is always serious and ready to get the job finished, it's fun to see him loosen up.

"I don't care! He better not be late more than two hours. I haven't eaten anything, I need some food" Naruto exhales as he sits down on the floor, following my move by looking up into the sky.

"Sasuke" I call out to him, he looks over at me and nods, indicating for me to continue.

"Do you know who Gaara is?" I need to know if he knows him as well, i doubt he doesn't. But Gaara seems so laid back and independent, why would he even know these losers?

"Yeah. Gaara was my competition on the exams" he exhales before looking down. Oh Sasuke fought him?

"Did you win?" I scooted closer in, i was interested in this story.

"No, the match was interrupted by Orochimaru. His plan all along was to destroy the village, Using Gaara. Gaara escaped, but I had to catch up to him to stop him. Unfortunately, my chakra ran low before I beat him. If it weren't for Naruto, none of us would have been here. He finished him off" Sasuke gives Naruto a nod, Naruto returns it.

"Gaara is the bad guy?" If he were the bad guy, why didn't he kill me? Why does Naruto seem good friends with him?

"Use to be. We're all on better terms now. We didn't know much back then" Sasuke continues, giving off a small smile. I was relieved to hear that, I'm interested in Gaara. And who he really is.

"Speaking of Gaara.." we all turn to the voice, Sensei.

"One hour, looks like you won Sasuke" Naruto pats his back and chuckles. Kakashi turns his head in question before continuing

"The Kazekage, from Sand village came here yesterday. Asked for our help, he told us his village has been attacked. He needs a couple of us to head over there and help track down the rouge ninjas and help keep their village safe" We all look at Kakashi, no one protesting or asking questions. We are here to serve, and we all know it. This is nothing but another mission.

"Us five, will take this mission. Sasuke, along with Naruto and I will be the ones to look for them and find any clues. Hikari and Sakura, you guys will stay at the village and serve under Kazekage's order. Understood?" Kakashi's voice more stern than ever

"Yes, Sensei" we all say in together. Sand village huh? Maybe I can see Gaara one more time, im actually excited about this mission.

"Well then, pack a couple things. We have no idea how long this would last. We leave in exactly thirty minutes" Sensei leans against a pole and begins reading his novel.

We all run back to our homes and begin packing. I quickly grabbed clothes, toothbrush and some more clothes. That's about all i need, right? Hmm let me think. Clothes, toothbrush, clothes... Uuh what else? Well, I can't think of anything else. Time to go, before they leave without me. I begin heading back but not before I bump into Sensei Guy and his group.

" Guy Sensei" I bow at his presence. Guy is truly one of the few that impresses me.

"Ah, Hika!" He smiles at me.

"Hika-san" Lee smiles at me, I bow at him as well. Another that impresses me, not to mention the great amount of training he helped me with to master Taijutsu

"Good morning Tenten" I smile at her as she waves back at me

"Neji" I bow at him, Neji is someone I hold close to. I was told he visited me everyday since I was in a coma. Unfortunately after that, we've never really talked. But he is some one I value as much

"Hikari" he bows at me as well before giving me a soft smile

"Where you off to?" Guy points down to my bag that was stuffed of clothes.

"Oh right, a mission out in The Hidden Sand Village" I look at Lee, as he holds eye contact with me

"Of course, I forgot about Kazekage's request. Well, wish you guys luck" Guy begins walking with Tenten following behind waving back at me.

"Hika-san, please. Send my regards to Gaara" lee softly smiles. "Of course" I bow at him as he catches up to Guy. Neji, keeps his eyes on the sky above us

"Everything okay Neji?" I put my hand on his shoulder, he stiffens but soon relaxes.

"Yes, I'm fine.. Be careful please, I don't want to lose you again after all those years that passed" his eyes meet with mine. When did Neji get so soft?

"I'll be fine. I'll come back to you" I bring him in for a hug. He feels taken back but soon after wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his head into my hair.

"Please protect Hinata" My words are muffled, as my face is on the crook of his neck. He nods before pulling back, to look at me once again.

"I'll be back before you even know it" I smile and begin walking back to the others. He waves to me as he walks the other direction and catches up with his crew.

"Oi Hikari! Hurry up! Now you're the late one!" I hear Naruto shout out to me as I approach them.

"Sorry, I bumped into Guy Sensei and his team" i scratch the back of my head and nervously laugh.

"Yeah yeah! You were probably smooching with Neji!" Naruto point his dirty finger at me and laughs

"I was not!" I feel offended, I'm not that easy.

"Neji?" Sasuke looks over at me

"Yeah, Neji can't stop crushing on Hika!" Naruto continues to grin. Sasuke brings his eyebrows together before making his "tsk" sound.

"No, Neji just cares for me" I begin walking ahead of them.

"Oh. This'll be a fun a trip" Kakashi burries his head in his hands only for Sakura to giggle at the situation.

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