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Running into the hospital, I quickly made my way to the front desk.

"Where are the one from the hidden leaf village?" Out of breath and panting, gripping onto the desk. My knuckles turning white

"Second floor" the clerk says a bit startled by my look of worry. I began sprinting again till I got to the second floor. Running through the halls checking each room I finally catch that blonde hair. Rushing in, Sakura holds me back.

"They're fine. Just lost too much Chakra, they'll be up in two days or so" my shoulders drop as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Where's Sensei?" I ask, worry filling my eyes again. Sakura looks behind her, Kakashi stood in-front of the window.

"Sensei" I whispered out running towards him and welcoming myself to an embrace.

"Hey kid" he softly says, resting an arm on my shoulder

"What happened?" I stand next to him to look at both Sasuke and Naruto, They both look worn out.

"We were being followed the entire time. They finally decided to ambush us as we approached their camp. Naruto and Sasuke managed to take care of most of them. A couple ran off, I want you on your guard at all times" Kakashi looks down at me, his eyes hold no emotion. Hm, reminds me of someone.

"Yes Kakashi Sensei"

As we all stood quiet Gaara walks in. Kakashi, straightening himself and walking over to him. I stay by their beds as Gaara and Sensei talked.

"I'm sure you both gave it your all" I smile to myself and hold Naruto's hand. Knowing Naruto, he'll be up by tomorrow to go kick their asses. Sasuke on the other hand, He might need those two full days to recover.

Kakashi and Gaara both walk out, probably to talk to the rouge ninjas they had caught. If it comes down to it, I'll kill them all myself. Especially after what they did to Sasuke and Naruto, they won't get away with it. If i see them here, I won't show any mercy. Not anymore. I'll kill them.

Taking a chair and sitting by them my eyes lids begin to feel heavy. I don't stop it, I let sleep consume me.


"Hika.." I hear a voice, ugh don't tell me it's Naruto. A feel my shoulder shake a bit "Hikari" they add one. I finally open my eyes to see Sensei.

"Please head back to Gaara. He's in more danger than ever. I'll stay here with them" he's right, Gaara needs my protecting more than ever at this moment. I lazily stand up and bow to Sensei before walking out. Waving back to Sakura as she checked up on Naruto and Sasuke.

I make my way to Gaara's study and don't bother knocking. Im too tired and too much in thought to do so. Gaara looks up at me his blue eyes, soon relaxing me of everything.

"It's late Gaara" I make my way towards him "let's go" I extend my hand to him but he looks away and continues to look at his papers.

"I have work" he mumbles to himself

"We'll finish it tomorrow" i grab his hand and make him stand up. He doesn't protest at all, if anything he begins leading us to his room.

As we enter the room, he makes his way to his dresser.

"I'm going to shower, you stay here" he pulls clothes out of the dresser and heads to shower.

Oh Gaara.

There's no denying how I feel towards him, I do like him. I can't push back these feeling especially those damn butterflies in me. Everytime he touches me I can't help but smile or ignore the electricity that shoots through my body. And our kiss, it was so passionate. I loved every second of it. The thing is I don't want to shove my feelings onto him. I don't even know if he feels the same. He could be doing all of this due to how lonely he is. He could be doing all this because it's all new to him, he could be confused. He might not even know what all this means, or anything he feels. I know this is all new to him, the way he responds to me, how care free he is about everything. As if he doesn't care, but he does. I can tell he cares about a lot of things. But am I someone he cares about? He asked me if I cared for him, of course I do. And I know he sees it too. What was meant to be a mission turned into gaining someone I care for deeply. I'm here to protect him, but how can I push all this to the side. And what will happen once this mission is completed? I will have to leave him along with these feelings. I can't risk doing anything else. Not at this moment. But I can't help it. He tugs at my heart, I've never felt like this. But I know what this means. I just Hope he's not doing any of this because he's confused or because he finds this fun.

"You're still standing there?" Gaara comes out the shower, shirtless, his sweatpants hanging low on his waist. If I could take a picture of him like this, I would.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry" I make my way to his bed, not noticing I've been spending that whole time in the same spot. He follows behind me as he sits on the bed next to me.

"I'll be back, I need to get some clothes from my room to sleep in" I begin to stand but Gaara holds me back.

"No, I'll give you something to wear. You stay here" he's been saying that a lot. For me to stay.

With him.

Maybe he does feel the same, or maybe he's just scared to be alone again.

He walks over to his dresser and hands me a shirt and some shorts. I smile and just take the shirt, assuming its long enough to cover me up. I walk to the restroom and undress myself and throw the shirt over myself. Assuming right, it covered enough for me to just wear the shirt. I walk out and see Gaara slightly blush as he looks at me but quickly looks away.

"Ready for bed?" I walk towards him

"No. I have work" he stands back up as I sit down

"Uugh, it's always work with you" I throw myself back on the bed. He chuckles a bit looking back at me. That damn laugh, he barely laughs. But when he does, I melt to his sound. I melt to any sound he does, especially that low laugh he has.

"Come lay with me please? Just for a bit" I make myself comfortable under the covers of his bed. He looks at me for a while before coming my way.

"Just for a bit" he repeats my words as he lays down under the covers as well. I giggle at the fact that he actually wants to work and not just rest.

He turns my way so that our faces our close to each other. His low eyes on my black eyes. Those damn butterflies back at it again. He leans in until our lips mold into each other. That same sensation coming back to me. This time he takes the lead, he inserts his tongue into my mouth. I let him, brushing my tongue against his. His breath heavy, the sound that fills my ears. He moves around till he hovers on top of me. I pull back only to admire him on top of me. My hand trails from his neck to his toned body. He looks down at my hand admiring his muscles. I can't help myself.

I turn us over so now I'm on top of him. He smirks at me before pulling me into a kiss again. My hand snakes it's way from his chest to the bulge in his pants. He groans as I gently squeeze, pulling back to look to me. His eyes hold worry, he doesn't know what to do.

"Does this feel right?" I ask, looking into his eyes as well. I won't do anything he doesn't want me to. He doesn't answer he just pulls me closer, kissing my neck. I assume that's a yes? I pull from him and trail down wet kisses from his neck down to his chest, and to his waist. I stop at his sweatpants and look up at him, as if asking if this okay. He gives me a slight smirk.

I'll make him feel good. Make him know what I'm willing to do to make him feel good. To hear that voice of his, hear those low groans.

I pull his sweatpants down as well with his underpants. His member springs up, only making me smile and drool over it. I grip it tightly and begin stroking my hand on it. His breath stops as he lets out a groan.

I place my wet mouth around him, he growls loudly before placing his hand on the back of my head. Slightly gripping my long black hair. I begin bobbing my head up and down as my hand continues to stroke it as well.

"Fuck" I hear him say under his breath, making me only go faster. I want to hear that again. His sexy voice. He pushes my head down so I take in all of him, my throat stretches as it slides down. I pull back to gasp for air, but quickly go back onto him. His hand tightens more on my hair, indicating me he's close. I begin bobbing my head faster as his liquid fills my mouth, quickly swallowing them down.

I sit up from my position and look at him, giving him a small smile. Drool covering my mouth and chin, tear stains running down my eyes.

"Good girl" he says as he puts his hand on under my chin. I stand up from the bed and head to rest room to get a washcloth to wipe ourself down. I wash my face first and pat it dry before going over to Gaara to wipe my saliva from him. Once finished, I throw the washcloth to the dirty clothes. He pulls his sweatpants up as well as the cover over us.

He wraps himself around me, laying his head on my chest. I giggle at him and wrap my arms around him as well.

"Goodnight Gaara" I kiss the top of his head

"Goodnight Hika" he says, placing a small kiss on my chest. I blush a bit before falling into a deep sleep once again.

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