French Frye!! Because the Smallest Things Make Me Smile.

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Author: Hello again, Jacob!
Jacob: Ah yes. The mysterious "Author" has paid me another visit.
Author: I was wondering something.
Jacob: Must I answer?
Author: Well, yeah. That is the point of this.
Author: Were you good at art of any kind? Like, music or something?
Jacob: If you were looking for a musician, ask Evie- she plays the piano.
Author: Well, do you, like, draw or anything?
Jacob: There was one time...
Author: And...?
Jacob: *sighs reluctantly* I know how to sew.
Author: What? Really?
Jacob: I answered your question.
Author: Why sewing?
Jacob: I learned the skill to fix my clothes before I came to London.
Author: Why would you need to fix your clothes by sewing?
Jacob: I used to get into trouble more times than I could count when I was younger.
Author: You still get into a load of trouble now.
Jacob: Do you want me to finish my story?
Author: *nods and shuts up.*
Jacob: Father told me to either stop getting into trouble, or buy new clothes each time a shirt or pair of trousers got ripped up. I found a better solution-fix each article of clothing by sewing together each rip and tear. I became quite good at the hobby.
Author: I'm assuming that's because you kept on getting into trouble?
Jacob: Or starting trouble.
Author: It was cool talking to you, Jacob.
Jacob: Cool?
Author: Oh yeah, you're from 1868. And London. "Cool" means...I guess it means "amazing."
Jacob: Why, thank you. Now, may I ask your name?
Author: I suppose it's only fair- people are going to start asking questions, and if I knew any better, the questions might start getting... interesting. Oh yeah, the name's Cathy.
Jacob: Pleasure to meet you. It's not often I see a young woman such as yourself be so...outspoken. Well, except Clara O'Dea- I believe you would get along with her.
Author: Thank you?
Jacob: It seems I have something else to attend to- Evie despises tardiness.
Author: Okay then. Bye!

This was pretty odd. Please ask anymore questions below! Thanks!

ASK: Jacob FryeWhere stories live. Discover now