{Chapt. 4} The beginning of feelings

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"W-why D-does it hurt so bad?" I sobbed into Pine tree's shoulder.

 It felt like you might as well have dragged a knife through my soul and torso when I saw him looking annoyed or angry with me. No, not annoyed or angry when he looked like he didn't want me around. That hurt more than I can understand. Demons aren't supposed to feel emotion stupid meat sack emotional suffering.

I look through his thoughts for comfort 'why is he crying?! Doesn't he enjoy pain? This is so confusing. What's going on..? Do I help him or leave him out here. No, I can't leave him out here that's just messed up. Oh God, what am I supposed to do now?!'

My sobbing calm the bit, knowing he wouldn't leave me out here to die.
"I-I'm" I hiccup "S-sorry Pine tree" I cling to him, hiding my face in his T-shirt.

Dippers P.O.V

I hugged Bill after a moment, wondering how to answer. "I-It's fine Bill everybody cries sometimes, about why it hurts... Well I'm not completely sure what happened but you must have done something to make it hurt because there is a huge gash on your torso." 

He breathed trying to calm himself he looked up at me tearfully, his lower lip trembling.
" I-I don't k-know... t-this is s-so confusing I can't understand this! W-why me?!"

I stared down at him for a moment.

 "Bill?.." He looks down refusing to look me in the eyes.

 "W-what?" Bill partially sobbed.

 "Let's go to the shack for now okay? We can figure out what's wrong when we get there."

"Okay Pine tree"

I helped pick him up, guiding him to the side of the shack so I could sneak him in through the window. When we got there I told Bill to stay by a tree so I could get the ladder. After I came back I put the ladder up and helped him into the attic. Mabel moved into a downstairs room so she wasn't allowed in the attic anymore without my permission. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a yellow T-shirt with a black triangle in the middle with some black sweatpants that were quite a bit too big on him. After I got Bill's clothes I told him to change and that I'd be back soon. Then I climbed back down the ladder and put it back to its original hiding place I open the door only to be tackled by Mabel in the hug.

 "Bro Bro what took you so long the sun's already down"
She got off me and pulled me back up

"Well I kind of lost track of time and stuff so yeah.." I rubbed the back of my neck not knowing what to say

"So what actually happened Dipper?"

Great she saw right through my lies. Not like I'm good at lying anyways. I'm not really good at anything.

"I'll tell you about it later" I walked past her going inside.

Mabel's P.O.V

What was Dipper up to he seemed...... Out of it. Like something happened in the woods. I shrugged it off, it was probably nothing. I followed him inside pouting slightly he stopped to said hi to Gruncle Stan and then went into the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of food and then headed up to his room
"Hey Gruncle Stan going to bed" he went into the living room he turned back to me

"Goodnight Mabel." He quickly made his way up there instead of going to bed I went up to Dipper's room when I got to the door I pondered whether or not to go in suddenly inside I heard Dipper laughing what was going on in there?

Bill's P.O.V

I put on clothes and looked at myself in the mirror... wow it looks like my magic healed the wound on my stomach, I found it funny he gave me this T-shirt and these sweat pants were extremely big they sat low on my hips and seemed like if I made one wrong move they would fall. I was still waiting for Pine-tree. As I was waiting, my stomach made a weird noise. It alarmed me, was there something inside of me?!
Dipper came into the room, using one arm to close the door since the other one was filled with human foods. As he turned around he made eye contact then his eyes trailed down my body then his mouth dropped slightly and he suddenly went bright red then dropped his human 'foods'

Dippers P.O.V

Heading upstairs I could hear Bill inside my room moving around it sounded like he was spinning. I took a deep breath it trying to make sure I wasn't blushing...yet.
I walk in and immediately make eye contact with him then despite myself I feel my eyes trailing down looking at the too-small T-shirt I gave him that shows half his toned stomach and see that those sweatpants barely are hanging on for dear life on his hips. My mouth drops slightly and I drop the food on the floor.

(Sorry for the cliff hanger the chapter was getting long hope you like it -livi)

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