{Chapt.19} Watching over you

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So for clarification, an angel's horns are in a circle while blinding them with holy light fallen angels break their horns and grow them at odd angles therefore not being blinded seeing the world for themselves. Demons already have them broken and can grow them into half circles and need holy angels to fix it the rest of the way, All of them can change appearance to look human. 

Dippers  P.O.V.   (When he died)

I keep hearing the long beep of the heart monitor. If I'm hearing this shouldn't I be dead? Bill's in my mindscape I just tell him that he needs to let me go and that I love him. I think this is one of the first times I've told anyone other than family that I love them, and I mean it. I feel myself slip away and I see what looks like an angel she has dark skin and black curly hair her eyes were such a beautiful blue almost bluer than the afternoon sky. She was wearing a large white flowy dress. she had horns but they were connected in a circle. 

"Who are you and why am I not dead?"

"You are dead my name is Katherine I am a pure angel."

"Wait you need to help my boyfriend he really wants to rise he has a good heart." I didn't realize it but I was in the pure form I had a tan and had muscles and I was tall but that was the only thing that had changed except I had my horns which were in a perfect half-circle. Then I realized why she was here she wants me to rise I heard Bill and Alec talking she can't not me it has to be him.

"I am here for you though Mason."

"Dipper please, but he is an amazing person please."

"Mason I am not even supposed to be here you are too young to rise but this would be a great opportunity to rise you because you are weak."

"But what will happen since I am too young?"

"Instead of giving you a halo and giving you more power it will take your power and it will turn you human but powerful demons like you if you take their power they will die and their soul will get lost"

"So why are you doing here just let me die."

"No, I will keep you in this mindscape until you are old enough."

"But my family they will be so sad for however long that is."

"They will be ok I will talk to alec and Mabey I could repair his halo."

"Please consider helping Bill."

"Ok would you like to become a spirit so you may watch your loved ones?"

"Yes please"

Fast forward to the funeral

I saw the funeral and they things they thought of was amazing and they picked the exact place I wanted to be buried Bill looks like he is taking it the worst he is crying but only a few tears escape his eyes and roll down his cheeks, but since I know Bill I know when he is upset when he balls his hands around the small chain I gave him when we first met I know he is hiding something, like when he lies he puts his hand to his chest and holds it. He took it off and is holding it in both his hands. Mabel I think would be the next she knew where to grab my favorite clothes, hat, and the three different places I hid the journals. She did the most to respect my memories. I hate to see everyone so upset.

"Hey Katherine when will I be able to return home?"

"When your 18."

"So in only a few months."

"Yes, that is why I wanted to save you so that you could live a well and beautiful life with whomever you love."

"Thank you."

"Yes it's ok just doing my job, are you ok with rising? Yes but only if you help Bill too."


"Does he have a pure heart?"

"See for yourself."

As she said that I saw everyone's heart in their chest Mabel and Bill were the highest shade of grey that I've ever seen. Pacifica's was a perfect white. The rest I could not see.

"Why can't I see everyone's heart?"

"It's because angels can only see the heart of a spiritual being."


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