{Chapt. 17} The Fire

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I woke up to get a glass of water on my way to the kitchen. Once I got to the stairs I was coughing like crazy my eyes started to burn and I turned the corner into the kitchen and there was the culprit. Bright orange and yellow flames dancing in the kitchen. The table was on fire and the fancy table cloth probably helped to catch fire. My brain immediately went to Mabel. My heart dropped, her and Pacifica's room was up the stairs on the other side of the kitchen. I took off my shirt and put it over my mouth and ran. I ran through the kitchen as fast as I humanly could to the stairs. Once I almost tripped on a stair I grabbed the rail since it was practically impossible to see anything and I went as fast as I could. Thanks to all things holy that I didn't have to turn to get to their room it was straight after I got up the stairs. I kicked the door and the air was cool and brisk in there. I could see and catch my breath I woke Mabel and Pacifica I told them to go out the window since there was a balcony and I'm sure they could survive the fall. They were kind of panicked and I helped them toss their mattress off the balcony I watched as they both jumped and they gave me the thumbs up saying they were ok. They told me to jump down with them and I told her that I have to help Bill get out first.
I turned around and charged through the kitchen and up the other stairs without putting my shirt back over my mouth. I thought to push the button to summon all the maids and butlers.
"GET THE MASTERS TO THE ROOMS YOU TAKE CARE OF THE ROOM WITH BILL AND DIPPER IS CLEAR AND THE ROOM WITH MABEL AND PACIFICA IS ALSO CLEAR GET EVERYONE OUT ID THE HOUSE THERE IS A HUGE FIRE ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR," I warned them over the intercom next to the button. I was coughing so hard I thought I was gonna cough up my lungs. I can't breathe I have to help Bill he will not die in this fire. I got up to our room and it was filled with smoke. Of course, I didn't close the door behind me. I was shaking Bill and I couldn't breathe anymore and passed out trying to shake him awake.

*Bill's P.O.V.

I woke up from my dream about Pinetree when I suddenly feel a giant weight on my chest. "Dipper? What the hell is going on why is it so smoky"
"F-fire ki-kitchen"
He was barely awake so I thought to grab the mattress and toss it off the balcony I grabbed Pinetree and held him bridal style and jumped. I landed hard on the mattress and I held the lump of a boy against my chest. That's when I realized he didn't have a shirt on I didn't know he had abs they were subtle but there he must have taken it off to cover his mouth. He had burns all over. On his back and through burnt holes in his jeans his face was black from the fire and he started to cough blood. Welp that's not good. I ran to the front of the house and butlers and maids were helping Mabel and Pacifica. Preston was outside coughing. Shooting star was crying to Llama about something.
"Hey, I'm not late to the party right?"
Jeez shooting star sure was hyper.
"Yeah if it weren't for him I would've probably died from the smoke he passed out on me and barely mumbled there was a fire in the kitchen." I thought since all the butlers and maids were outside he probably pressed the button in the kitchen to summon them. I walked over to Preston.
"Hello sir do you know what caused the fire?"
"Your name was Bill Cipher correct?"
"Yes sir it is"
"Well, Bill I don't personally know who or what caused it but I can look back at the security tapes to see. "
"Ok thank you I am just grateful everyone made it out."
"Yes sir except one maid she didn't she was the maid responsible for the kitchen and we don't have a record of her ever leaving the house tonight so she must still be in there"
"Oh no, I'll go get her" I started to run towards the mansion when he grabbed my arm.
"No don't waste your life on her she is the one I suspect for starting the fire"
"And why do you say that what evidence do you have?"
"Well every single maid butler and guest made it out of there and she was the only one when the kitchen is one of the closest rooms to the exit. Also, she always gives off a weird vibe and always retaliates against everyone here. It wouldn't surprise me if it was her"
"But still you're going to let her die?"
"Well if it wasn't for your little boyfriend over there everyone in this house would be dead."
I heard sirens blaring and realized the ambulance was going to take my Pinetree because he was so badly hurt and had burns everywhere. I ran over towards him and held his hand tight.
"You're going to be ok Pinetree I promise I will always be here with you no matter what."
"I-I know B-bill I love you." He passed out as he said that.
"I love you too Pinetree. I picked him up so I could help the paramedics put him in the ambulance.
"Can I ride in the back with him?"

"Are you immediate family, spouse, or sibling?"

"N-no but he just kind of got disowned and I'm sure he will want me with him when he's in the hospital."

"Fine but only because for this boy's sake we don't have time to debate over this he is in critical condition since he has lost consciousness."

The ride to the hospital was a blur and I can't even remember many of the details of the ride I found myself wondering when I started liking him. Mabey it was when I first saw his adorable smile or the cute quirks about his personality. Mabey it was his little obsession with the books Sixer wrote.  I don't want to lose him he means the world to me. What makes our situation even better is that we both have been trying to but we can't seem to have our powers work, so I can't help my poor Pinetree. Normally in this human realm us demons, risen demons, angels, and fallen angels can't die but in this state we can and it's a large possibility he...

"Hey, Sir' he will be ok I promise we will do anything to help him especially as a friend of one of our biggest sponsors of the hospital in Gravity Falls."

I had just realized I started crying when the paramedic said something to me. 

"Yeah thank you I just really don't want to lose him he means the world to me you know?"

"Yea I get that"

"Bill. Bill Cipher" I stuck my hand out to shake his.

"Alec. Alec Knight" he shook my hand and as soon as I touched his hand I realized I was in my mindscape and saw his messy brown hair, his piercing blue eyes, and he was wearing a tie-dye shirt with black skinny jeans. He was tan and average size but then he disappeared and just his silhouette was there with wings. then the silhouette was kissing another one it looked like another angel but after their kiss, they both fell to the ground and their wings lost their feathers and turned spiky and into just vague wing-shaped skeletons. I pulled away from his hand and realized all that happened in less than a second. he gave me a weird look then a smile. 

"Which one are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"An angel, fallen angel, risen demon or demon?"

"Uhmm how did you know?"

"With angels, once you commit a sin you become a fallen angel, and once you meet another being like the ones I mentioned you will be able to see the sin they committed so they can not hide the disgrace they have done."

"Oh them I am Bill Cipher the dream demon who caused weirdmaggedon and this is my partner Dipper Pines the shadow demon, he has a twin sister Mabel who is also a shadow demon."

"Well, this is a great day for me them meeting the 2 rarest demons a dream demon and the rarest a shadow demon, which has an even rarer twin of the opposite sex also being one too. Verry rare ones you got here."

"Yes, and if you lay a finger on either one her angel girlfriend and I will rain hell upon you."

"Wait the sister has a girlfriend who is an angel?"

"Yes, she is quite intimidating."

"Why has she not fallen and lost her wings?"

"Probably because they have never kissed confirming their sin so she will continue to have her wings."



A/N hey guys I finally updated I know right it has been like forever. My birthday is coming g up soon and I plan on traveling for it so I will be on another break till about July 5 is when I will be home so I can use my computer again I will try to use my phone but no promises. Love, yall hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

Oh yeah, by the way, Alec was a character from a reader who gave their description of an OC to me to use. 

Name: Alec (Middle: Christian) (Last: Knight) Gender: Male Type: Fallen/Dark Angel Age: 19 Personality: Tries not to show it but, Loves being around people, cuddle bug, but still likes personal space, and hella gay. Tries to act the opposite of what he usually acts like around people he knows, meaning he has social anxiety so he is usually shy around strangers but is really open to his closest friends and family. Looks: Messy brown hair, blue eyes, smiles around friends and family, wears colorful clothing sometimes wears a lot of black for no reason, tan skin, and not fat but not super skinny basically has The same amount of muscles as Dipper but a little more.


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