{Chapt.10} Sick Day

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Bill's POV I waited a moment. PineTree finally spoke up, but tried to sound more boyish and like he wasn't crying.
"Wh-who is i-it?" It came out more feminine than he would guess and made it obvious he was crying.
"It's me..... Can I come in PineTree?" There was movement inside and the door opened. He pulled me in by my arm and closed the door quickly. It was dim and the atmosphere was.... well...... It was depressing. I looked down at his teary face last. Poor PineTree. I pulled him into a hug. He froze with shock then started sobbing into my shoulder, barely reaching it. I rubbed his back and leaned my cheek on his head. He must've really liked Llama........ He held onto my shirt. My face turned warm but I kept myself under control. I wonder how long I've liked him...... Now that I think about it....... Years...... Ever since he first arrived in Gravity Falls...... I feel my eyes water. I've treated him so badly...... Yet i liked him the entire time...... I close my eyes. Right now I'm here to comfort PineTree, not hate myself. PineTree comes first. "Shh, shh......... Look, PineTree, I'm not sure how you feel exactly so I can't say it'll be okay....... But I'm here for you...... If you ever need anything, go ahead and say so...... If you don't want me around, I'll go anytime....." It seemed he couldn't get any words out no matter how hard he tried. He swayed on his feet so I picked him up the best I could. It hurt but I hid it well and carried him to the bed. I set him down but he wouldn't let go. "Want me to stay?" He nods. I get onto the bed and lay down with him. He cuddles closer to me and I continue to keep my arms around him. I quietly began to hum a song called Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Eventually PineTree fell asleep.
I stayed up for a while, not wanting to sleep. I feel my eyes starting to close. *In Bill's dream* I open my eyes and look around. I guess I was a guy again. But, i wasn't in the bed anymore. I was somewhere in the woods. I see a guy with blue hair. He stumbles around, crying. He had a blue tuxedo on. He turned to me, and I finnaly saw his eyes. They were electric blue. His eyes widen and he stumbles over.
"B-bill...... I-is that y-you?" I feel my eyes water. There was no way it was Will. But, was it? The way he looked, how his eyes were rimmed red from crying. But.... I don't remember him stuttering. "Are you...... Will?"
He nods and hugs me. I hug him back and start crying. It's really him...... "I'm so s-sorry W-will......" He pulls back and smiles. "I-its fine..... Its j-just..... I'm s-sort of st-stuck.... In th-the real w-world.... Well, m-my w-world..." His smile turns into a frown. "What do you mean stuck?" I wiped away my tears quickly. He looks at the ground and fidgets with his hands. "W-well..... F-ford f-from Reverse Falls... He k-kinda h-has m-me l-locked u-up b-because....Uhm....." He turns a light pink. "Well? He has you locked up why?" I gently grabbed his shoulders. He flinches, but he didn't move my hands. "S-so, Mistress w-was g-guarding the d-door b-but she g-got d-distracted b-by a m-message f-from h-her girlfriend......." I nod, following. "So you were?"
His face turned even more pink. "M-me and T-tyrone.....w-were Uhm.... D-doing someth-thing..... I b-believe it's c-called k-kissing......." "Oh. Wait..... who's Tyrone?"
"M-my PineTree....."
"Oh. And Ford caught you?"
"Y-yes....." He turned red.
"So, who's Mistress?"
"M-my w-world's ShootingStar....."
"Alright. Who's her girlfriend?"
"M-my fr-friend and m-my w-world's Llama...."
"Huh. Okay then. So.....how can I help?" He furrows his eyebrows. He thinks for a few minutes and finnaly looks me straight in the eye.
"I need you to help me get rid of Ford." He didn't stutter for the first time in here. "So.... Lend you my power?"
"I think that would work. But..... It takes a lot out of you.... You'll get it all back so no need to worry."
"Let's do it. Deal?"
I offer my hand.
Blue flames met yellow as we shook hands. The fire turned green and went up our arms. I didn't burn but it was doing something. I held onto a nearby tree with my other arm. Eventually the tree was the only thing keeping me up. Will let go of my hand and i slumped over. "I'll be in Gravity Falls soon, and I'll return your powers. When you wake up in a moment you'll probably be sick for the day. I'll be there in a few days."
He hugs me and i wake up in Dipper's bed. I felt dizzy and leaned over the side of the bed. The contents of my dinner went all over the ground. PineTree woke up when he heard me throwing up the food. He sees it and sighs. He rubs my back. I had my arms wrapped around my torso. "I'm s-sorry PineTree...."
Dang it i sound like Will. Dipper's POV I look at the floor, wrinkling my nose. "It's fine. Also..... Why are we still females?" Bill shrugs.
"Alright. Well, let's get you cleaned up. I'll clean the floor in a moment."
I climb over the bottom of the bed and motion for Bill to follow. He crawls over and i pick him up. I avoid the puke and take him to the restroom. "I d-didn't mean t-to th-throw up...."
I smile and set him down in the bathtub. "It's fine. It happens sometimes." He nods and shivers. How he was cold when it was like 90° outside is beyond me. Unless.... He's sick. Here we go again. Taking care of sick people. Hopefully he won't puke on me like Mabel did last time. I grab a hair tie and put his hair in a bun. "Do you need help showering? I could get Mabel...."
"Yes please......."
"Alright, be right back." I went out of the restroom and down to Mabel's room. It was still dark outside, so it must've been around 5 in the morning. Oh well. I knock on her door. After a moment Mabel opens the door.
"What is it?"
"Bill's sick and needs help showering....."
"Oh. Let's go then. How could you tell that he was sick?"
"Go look at my floor by my bed and you might figure it out." She oh's and frowns.
"Well, let's go. You clean your room and I'll help Bill." She moves past me and goes upstairs to the restroom.
I sigh and go to the little closet by the s I realize I need water for the dumb bucket. I run back downstairs (it was weird running, how do girls do this all the time?) with the bucket and go outside. I go over to the hose, turn it on, fill the bucket and go inside. Yes I left the water on. I'll turn it off later. Or something. Besides it's difficult to do this with a splint! I get back upstairs and go into my room where I left the mop. I set down the bucket and get to work. Man, it smelled so bad. I finnished cleaning up and put the supplies away. I got put some clothes for Bill and went to the restroom door. I knocked and waited a moment. Mabel opens the door.
"Did you get him clothes?"
"Yeah. Here."
I hand the outfit to her. Under garments, plain white shirt and basketball shorts. She takes them, closes the door and probably gives them to Bill.
I sit by the door and wait. After a few minutes she carries Bill out. Bill looked down at me and smiled.
"What're you doing down there PineTree? Did you fall?"
"Pfft. No, I was waiting for you." Mabel wriggles her eyebrows. I feel my face warm up and i give her a look. She giggles. I sigh and stand up. "Well, the room is clean. Wanna go back?"
Bill nods. He stops nodding and turns a light shade of green. "Nevermind...... I'm gonna throw up again or something....." I shrug. "I could just get an empty trash can or something."
Bill gives a thumbs up, using his other hand to cover his mouth. I nod. I go downstairs and go back up with the trash can. They were in my room so that's where I went. I set the trashcan down by the bed. Mabel was falling asleep while standing. Bill sat on the bed, looking a better than before. "Mabel you should get some rest...."
She flinches. "Wha?"
"Jeeze, I should've let you sleep. Bill, I'll be right back okay? If you have to put use the bucket. Or at least try."
"Okay PineTree....." I pick Mabel up and carry her to her room. After I tuck her in i go back upstairs and lay with the now sleeping Bill. I wonder why he got sick? Hm. Oh well, I'll ask later then i guess.
I look over at Bill and turn a light pink. He looked so.... Perfect. His lips parted slightly, and his hair was the perfect shade of blonde. I reach over to brush a strand of hair out of his face. I almost screamed with satisfaction. Wow, I sound creepy. I need to get a grip on myself. I close my eyes and I'm out like a rock. ***A couple of hours later*** I feel someone shake my shoulder gently. "Hmmmmm?" I move slightly, wanting to stay asleep. "Dipper, wake up. Your turn to get up and help me. And Stan." I sit up.
"What do you mean help Stan?"
"Well, he has a cold. And someone needs to run the shack. You're better at it and I'll take over caring for Bill and Gruncle Stan. Maybe ask Ford to help out. I don't really care but c'mon." She tugs me out of bed and I follow slowly. This was going to be a long day...... **Around 12 o'clock, afternoon** I sigh tiredly as Ford shows off a creature he was able to capture. (It was Shmebulok) Wendy reads her news paper while she waits for someone to buy something. Next year she wouldn't be working here, she'd be going to college. Soos was absent today, oddly enough. He'd said it was something to do with Melody and going to a check up since she's gotten sick with some stomach bug. Apparently it won't go away and only happens during the morning. I had an idea as to why but I didn't want to give Soos and Melody false hope for having a kid. If you're wondering, what's going on with Bill and Mabel. Or even Stan. I'll explain. Mabel is cooking chicken noodle soup, cleaning and getting them wet rags. Bill had started getting a cold like Stan and he was still puking. My poor floor.... Oh well, I'll live. Anyways, the day was pretty much a drag. 8 o'clock came and we closed up the shack. I go upstairs to find a sleeping Bill. Mabel was putting a cold rag on his head. "Is he doing any better?"
"Yep. He should be better by tomorrow."
"Thank god." She smiles. "Well, night bro-bro."
"Night Mabel."
She ruffles my hair and leaves the room. I go over to Bill and I'm practically dragged under the covers by his arms.
My cheeks heated up. "U-uhm...." Bill rolls on top of me, only giving me enough room to breath. I was a freaking tomato at this point. It takes a bit but I eventually cuddle Bill. I'm never admitting out loud that I liked it. It'd be too embarrassing. So I'm gonna enjoy this now. I feel myself drift off into sleep, a smile on my face.

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