9. Moody

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"I'm hungry." I smile at Jaxon sitting up from the bed.

"Baby, if it's before 10 I'm going to smother you." I look at the clock sliding back into bed smirking because I didn't want him to roll over on me because then, honestly I don't know all I know is that he's heavy as hell.

I grab my phone and watch videos until almost 11 when Jaxon grumbles rolling over to look at me.

"Aren't you suppose to be in school?" He ask as I shrug.

"You told me not wake you up and that you would roll over on me." I smile sweetly at him as he smiles rolling his eyes.

"Of course you would use that as an excuse to not go to school." He wraps his arms around me as I snuggle my face into his chest.

"I'd rather spend the day with you." I smile at him as he shakes his head.

"Today is one of those days baby." He sits up as I pout at him.

"No stay with me." I whine grabbing his arm as he smiles.

"Tempting." He coos kissing me.

"Um." I trail my hand down his torso but he stops me giving me a look.

"Hey, you better not start that." He starts.

"Ugh I just don't want you to go." I tell him.

"Doesn't mean you lure me in to stay with you by trying to have sex baby. We will do that when your ready." He kisses my forehead as I fold my arms glaring at him.

"You will stay in this bed." I tell him as he smiles at me kissing me on the nose.

"Is that so?" He lays me down rolling on top of me smirking  as I wrap my arms around him pulling him closer to my body as he smothers me.

"Yes because I said so." I tell him as he continues to lay in my arms for a couple more minutes. When he does leave my arms he doesn't automatically go to his office. He brushes his teeth and gets back into bed turning on the television for us to watch.

I knew he only did this so I could fall asleep because it worked and after about 30 minutes I was out.

I woke up later to an empty bed but the covers surrounding me to make it feel like he was still with me. I get up and walk into the kitchen looking for Jaxon. "Jax." I call but decide to go put some clothes on just in case something does happen. also as a precaution I send Alison, Sophie and my brother my location just in case.

"Hello?" A girl says as I ring Jaxon phone.

"Who is this? Can I speak to Jax?" I say through the phone as i feel my blood get hot.

"Mm, who is this? Sorry but Jaxon is taken so you can stop calling him sweetie." She sneers laughing. "Such a joke."

"Hey before you hang up, delete that I called." I tell her.

"With pleasure." As the phone hangs up I feel as if I'm getting pranked, like this must really be a joke but i don't plan to wait around for the joke to be over because my patience was already thin. I call again but its sent straight to voicemail, bet.

"Sophie where are you?" I ask as soon as she picks up.

"Huh, oh hey I'm 15 minutes away." She giggles making me roll my eyes. "Need me to come get you?"

"Pretty please."


"So what are you going to do?" Sophie ask after I told her what just happened.

"Absolutely nothing. I'm not going to talk to him at all, and I wish that you say nothing when he ask about me." I tell her as she smiles.

"You don't have to ask me twice, I already know the deal." She says as we drive to my house. We both go to my room where Alison was waiting for us.

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